I've been a huge modo fan since i first bought modo 601. One of my favorite features however (I know, this is taboo) is that I love modeling with my tablet. I've always had wrists problems, and it's one of the things that keeps me coming back (among the obvious fact that modo is a badass program.)
One of my issues though (not even really an issue - more of an annoyance) was the fact that I've never seen it explored or tried to get that same tablet navigation that modo uses in maya. I switch between the two often via scripts, etc. and it's always a little jarring (kind of like switching from zbrush navigation to photoshop or something - you find yourself still in the frame of mind from the last app concerning navigation.)
I was wondering, for all of you techies out there - is it possible to incoporate a script or plugin for maya to allow modo tablet navigation?
That would be:
Alt & LMB (pen press down) = orbit/rotate
Alt & Ctrl & LMB (pen press down) = zoom in/out
Alt & Lft Shift & LMB (pen press down) = pan
Obviously, this navigation works so damn well because you never have to use the rocker buttons on a tablet to navigate.
I would gladly pay to see this come to fruition - but was first wondering if it was possible. Thanks in advance
