I've put out some new tools and resources for all ye Source Engine folk. First, for those of you who have been wishing for Source 2.0 and a new Hammer... you can really stop waiting and just use 3ds Max right now.
I've been putting together a user guide for this in my spare time:
Hammered to the Max: A Hammer User's Guide to 3ds Max. It's really a WIP, but can be of valuable to anyone who's wanted to step away from Hammer for Source.
Also, I've released another commercial plugin for level design:
Carver. This tool adds the
Carve and Make Hollow functions from Hammer but with far more versatile controls.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJAWuVlbu7k"]Carver and Make Hollow - YouTube[/ame]
Carver is a useful compliment to
CorVex, which I released in the last several months.
The new update adds a function to remove vertices that have less than three edges, which is helpful for cleaning up world geometry. See the docs for info on this new utility function.