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3DS FFD question

polycounter lvl 13
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3Dyan polycounter lvl 13
I noticed that FFD box and the preset FFDs don't behave the same way.
Here is an example with a box FFD with 4x4x4 points vs the preset 4x4x4 FFD.


It's as if the splines are created in a different method across these two modifiers. Is there any way to get the box FFD to behave like the preset FFDs? I'm asking since I want to deform an object with more control points, but the box functionality makes it nearly impossible to get right.


  • pablohotsauce
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    pablohotsauce polycounter lvl 7
    courtesy bump. I'm curious about this too.
  • Mark Dygert
    Unfortuneitly there isn't much you can do about it. Because the "FFD Box" can have a lot of combinations of points it uses quaternion curves to solve the deformation. If you've ever worked with TCB curves in the curve editor, it will make a little more sense. I don't think it uses TCB to solve the pre-defined FFD's like 4x4x4? It seems to be using something else?

    Even though FFD(box) gives funky results in this case, a lot of people choose to use it because they are able to control how sharp the object hugs the cage. So for example, set the Tension to 50 and Continuity closer to 0 and it conforms much more precisely.
    You will still need to nudge some of the other points around to keep it from overshooting and curving back around but that's the price of customization...

    There are probably better ways to approach FFD solutions now, but when these came out (13 years ago) this was pretty much the only way to handle it. They should probably go back and re-write it but considering all of the other stuff they should be addressing I doubt they'll get to it. This was one of those things they acquired and stuffed into 3dsmax and haven't gone back to since. I bet if people made enough noise they woudl do something about it, but that something would probably to remove the presets and force everyone to use FFD(box) heh.
  • pablohotsauce
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    pablohotsauce polycounter lvl 7
    cool. It looks like these TCB curves behave similarly to bezier curves ... sort of. Thanks for taking the time, I was wondering if that curve behavior had a name.
  • Mark Dygert
    They are, but instead of handles you have values.
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