This is some of the highpolywork I did for Wolfenstein: The New Order. I was going to post it all at once, but it takes too long to render it all out, so I'll do it in a few batches. First up is most of the stuff excluding level assets that I did. Posting ingame stuff will be a separate batch aswell.
All the designs are either by me or the awesome concept guys at Machinegames. All models are built in modo, and rendered in modo.
Awesome man, high polies look absolutely awesome. But i'd also love to hear a little bit about your baking workflow. How do you manage your time and bakes.
HP/kn0r: The baking pipeline is very straightforward actually. Idtech has its own normalmap-baking, which provides the best results of any that I have tried, even if it has its limitations. But it gives great results and requires little to no thought from the artist. (no smoothinggroups, just fullsmooth normals with no cage, almost never any support edges, bakes almost any extreme angle without problem). All this is very good because the polycounts in the game are actually very low since it has to hit 60 fps on all the platforms.
And yes,
the space section
is almost 100% my assets and modular textures, I guess my style is obvious I dressed up the original layout of the level, which was then almost completely redone into something more awesome by a couple of artists here.
The plane is awesome
Awesome work, you guys!
There is not much else to say!
Game looks amazing dude, congrats.
+1 to what HP said about workflow bakes, etc.
+1 for bakez/breakdowns. U da mang.
Also grats on shipping, man!
Great work as always, thought I'd recognize the Frick touch on some of these whilst playing the game. Did you perhaps had a heavy hand in the
Also congrats on shipping this great game. Most fun in a shooter I had in years!
You are my sensei now.
HP/kn0r: The baking pipeline is very straightforward actually. Idtech has its own normalmap-baking, which provides the best results of any that I have tried, even if it has its limitations. But it gives great results and requires little to no thought from the artist. (no smoothinggroups, just fullsmooth normals with no cage, almost never any support edges, bakes almost any extreme angle without problem). All this is very good because the polycounts in the game are actually very low since it has to hit 60 fps on all the platforms.
And yes,
Awesome work, Tor!