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Full Time - In House - Salary

polycounter lvl 4
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sultair polycounter lvl 4
Hello everyone,

The 3D Team at the Walmart headquarters is looking to add an additional 3D Artist to our lineup. We are looking for someone with strong modeling skills. This is an in house position, and we will require the individual that joins the team to relocate to Arkansas (We will cover all relocation expenses and we assign a relocation expert to help you with all your moving needs). Ideally we want someone with a modeling background( Low poly and High Poly), someone with UDK experience, and someone who can work in a team environment.

I cant say specifically what the work will be like but I can tell you that it will be a lot of 3D modeling. All the work we do is strictly internal and highly sensitive company material, so we cannot share it unfortunately.

Currently we use Adobe Suite, Autodesk Maya, and UDK, we are going to slowly transition into Unreal 4 in the near future.

Job Title: Manager, 3D Visualization

Company Summary: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (NYSE: WMT) serves customers and members more than 208 million times per week at more than 8,600 retail units under 59 different banners in 15 countries. With fiscal year 2010 sales of $405 billion, Wal-Mart employs more than 2 million associates worldwide.


State: AR

Employment Type: Full Time

Hourly/Salary: SALARY

Apply Here

If you have any questions, about the job, or about the location feel free to ask. Here's a site that shows some stuff around Northwest Arkansas:
Explore NW AR


  • whiteRabbit0
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    whiteRabbit0 polycounter lvl 4
    Saving anyone else looking at this posting some time : Copy pasted from "Minimum requirements" Tab on the link above :

    Minimum Qualifications
    Bachelors Degree in Graphic/Animation, Interior, Architecture or related design degree.
    2 years design experience
    2 years experience Autodesk Maya
    2 years experience Unreal UDK
    2 years experience Adobe Suites

    Additional Preferred Qualifications
    Additional Preferred Qualifications
    Masters Degree in a design related field
    Google SketchUp - AutoCAD
    Experience with Mel for Maya, Ruby, or UnrealScript
    Walmart store experience
  • cody.rauh
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    cody.rauh polycounter lvl 6
    This is the one and only time I believe I will ever bash a potential employer.
    But anyone with Walmart store experience would not want to work for this company.
    I did it 12 years ago when in high school as a cashier, first hand experience of
    seeing a lot of empty promises, lots of mistreatment of employees.

    I wish anyone that takes this job the best of luck, cause you will probably hate it, it will be a thankless job, you will likely be under appreciated and have unreasonable deadlines cause I have doubts they will know the hours you put into this. They will just want it done yesterday.

    Just look at how they treat and compensate most of their employees understand you will probably endure the same. I know they have some good/nice people that work for them, but this companies owners/bosses don't care about you or your well being.

    Best of luck my fellow artist, many of you are extremely talented and I believe you deserve so much more than what this corporation will offer you in return for you time and talent.
  • Chaos19
    Offline / Send Message
    cody.rauh wrote: »
    This is the one and only time I believe I will ever bash a potential employer.
    But anyone with Walmart store experience would not want to work for this company.
    I did it 12 years ago when in high school as a cashier, first hand experience of
    seeing a lot of empty promises, lots of mistreatment of employees.

    I wish anyone that takes this job the best of luck, cause you will probably hate it, it will be a thankless job, you will likely be under appreciated and have unreasonable deadlines cause I have doubts they will know the hours you put into this. They will just want it done yesterday.

    Just look at how they treat and compensate most of their employees understand you will probably endure the same. I know they have some good/nice people that work for them, but this companies owners/bosses don't care about you or your well being.

    Best of luck my fellow artist, many of you are extremely talented and I believe you deserve so much more than what this corporation will offer you in return for you time and talent.

    Yeah I agree with you 100% man. I worked for them in the past and it was my first job. Let's just say it didn't end well and they really act like they are above the law and can make you work without a water break in summer (when you signed a legal document stating you get 5 minute water breaks as needed.) when it is humid and really hot out and when you get heatstroke then your fired cause they don't want to pay the hospital bills especially when a customer finds you collapsed and calls the ambulance.
  • sebastianez
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    Thanks guys for for sharing the experience.
  • sultair
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    sultair polycounter lvl 4
    Based on the replies on this post I feel like I need to clarify that this is not a Walmart Store position, this is a position at the corporate headquarters.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    sultair wrote: »
    Based on the replies on this post I feel like I need to clarify that this is not a Walmart Store position, this is a position at the corporate headquarters.

    Still part of the same company and practices, or are you saying you treat store employees different
  • christine_mifflin
    Thank you for sharing this informative post. Indeed,I have a friend who is looking for a job and I think he is qualified for this job. I will share your post to my friend so, he can apply to your company.
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    Ok guys if you don't believe in the companies practices don't apply. There is no need to make a fuss on this thread.
  • skyline5gtr
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    skyline5gtr polycounter lvl 9
    stevston89 wrote: »
    Ok guys if you don't believe in the companies practices don't apply. There is no need to make a fuss on this thread.

    partially, don't you think its a good community thing to do ?
  • Christian Cunningham
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    Christian Cunningham polycounter lvl 10
    I have applied and not herd anything back?? :(
  • stevston89
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    stevston89 interpolator
    partially, don't you think its a good community thing to do ?

    It's one thing to inform people if they don't know about the company/person that posted, but it's Walmart. I don't think there is a person on here that doesn't know about Walmart or their practices.
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