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Fantasy Scene

polycounter lvl 5
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Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
Hello everyone im going to make this little scene in udk, im finishing the blockout in udk once i have some more texture work done ill post some screens. I also have the main brick texture done, let me know how you guys like the texture! My goal overall is to practice on my texture work and lighting.

The reference image is from a website called tabletop-world.com


Texture in marmoset


  • ClusterOne
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    ClusterOne polycounter lvl 4
    That is a glorious sculpting work you did on those rocks. I would love to see all the maps for the material because as it stands now, it looks fantastic.
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Hey cluster im glad you like it. Here are the maps i have just diffuse and normal for now need to make a specular map still but ill make one later on once i have all my models done and imported in engine.

  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Here's a small update let me know what you guys think, ill be adding vegetation later on just wanted to make a simple blockout. I also just got unreal 4 so im excited to learn the new engine. Feel free to leave any crits

  • marcobar
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    marcobar polycounter lvl 4
    Not sure if you're already planning to do this, and haven't included it in the blockout, but I think it would be worthwhile adopting the uneven terrain in your reference image in the actual environment. Having the buildings on the flat surface makes it just a little less believable, I think.

    The stone texture looks quite nice, if not quite as 'geometric' as the reference image. What sort of workflow is behind it? Is it a sculpt+bake?
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Hey thanks macrobar, yah im planning on working on the terrain, im just reading up on it now and see any new things they might have added im not sure when ill add it but i will. As for the sculpt i use a workflow similar to sean marino http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=95166 but there are differences. As for bakes i used zbrush for the normal map and AO.
  • shotgun
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    shotgun polycounter lvl 19
    The overall effect of the birks-wall is good, but it feels like someone took a chainsaw (or something) and evenly sliced it down from the top. They all pop-out the same, the highlight at the top of every brick is consistent, and there needs to be more mid-level relief going on (the kind that's implied by the diffuse but so much in the normal).

    Also, as macrobar said, uneven terrain will make things look more believable.
    How true are you staying in regards to the reference?
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Hey shotgun, yah i see what your saying ill try and make some changes especially the mid-level relief think you mentioned. yah ill add in the eneven terrain soon. As for staying true to the reference im just using it as a general guide. Im not trying to copy all the materials like for like
  • marcobar
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    marcobar polycounter lvl 4
    Sweet, thanks for the tutorial links! I'll have to watch through them.

    I never much liked the terrain editing in the UDK, but haven't had a chance to get a hold of UE4 yet. Pretty much everything has been overhauled, so I can only assume it will be much better this time around. This kind of scene is a bit small to break out the terrain editor with, though, isn't it? Unless you're expanding the environment, of course.
  • Trevor
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    Trevor polycounter lvl 4
    You should add some more color interaction to the brick. Right now it feels too monotone.
    There is room to push the red hues and add some greens to it if you want to go a little off concept. Looks like you got the style of the brick correct with the addition of some nice shapes to the mix, very nice.
  • Shuaws
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    Shuaws polycounter lvl 5
    Just a Wood Texture need to fix the two planks highlighted i realized i didnt rotate one of them lol...anyway leave any comments on how to improve the texture

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