Hey everyone, I'm getting this weird seam in Marmo 2, it's showing a seam and I don't know why

. It only shows up when I zoom out a little ways.
I've checked each of my textures, and it doesn't appear until the albedo map is imported, so it has to be something to do with the albedo. Any idea?
No seam.


UV Map:

I'll try to re do it with the edge padding a little larger in XNormal.
My second question I suppose is, should I go back and allow more space in between all my UV's? Do you think I packed them too close?
You have a lot of unused space, so you could probably repack with more space between islands, without losing any resolution (possibly gaining some).
I actually still have a bit more to model, like a few more assets, so that space is kind of reserved for those assets.
I think they're close, but I suppose I'll find out soon. fingers crossed they aren't!
Thanks everyone!