Let's say I applied for a job and received an email back asking me to read a set of requirements and expectations for the job
Let's say one of those expectations was at least previous 1 title released or at least 1 full conversion Mod released
If I accept the conditions the applications process continues
Problem is, I don't have any titles under my belt but I feel I'm at a level where I can move into the industry.
I'm thinking there might be an art test further down the road
Do I go for it despite my lack of studio experience?, If so will I get shut out because of this?
Although with the experience thing that sometimes is wanted by them because although you may produce good art the question is for them. Can you produce it to the specs? Is it workable I.e no errors, can work fully in the game without any problems or fixing up ect.
Im all for 100% transparency and honesty.
Either way, I replied, there's an art test. wish me luck.
he is a link to your portfolio http://mattgiblin.com/
good luck with the test!
Thanks for the help Polycount.
Not completed Portfolio.