Hey guys, I just wanted to get some personal opinion or advice (if you would be so kind) on my current position.
I have applied for 2 jobs. 1 job has just come back and offered me a place; its not an ideal job for me as it requires a lot of traveling (1 hour 30mins drive to get to work; also no decent train links) and its not a "games" job but its still 3D etc.
Job 2 I recently had an interview and I was told I would hear back from them in the next 2 weeks. This isn't a 3D job but is for a games tester role, however it does mean that;
1 I'd be working in my dream studio of choice,
2 its like 10 mins away but....
3 its peanuts in wage comparison. The thing I am worried about is that Im on my 2nd day of a 2 week notice for Job 2 in being notified if I am successful.
I don't want to push my luck and put them by phoning up and asking if I have got it or not because I've been offered another job. I know the role I am going for is a role they could fill 50x over so I don't want to lose out. However I don't want to lose out on this other job because then I'd actually be working again which is something I am really concious of.
So should I phone up job 2 and explain my situation? I would have guessed if they didn't want me then it would be quite a quick sad face on my application in the interview and that would be it. I don't care too much about details of what I would be doing and when for Job 2, just to know that I have it is all I am after.
I have been told that I could just take job 1 as I have a 2 week window to get myself a car etc and then if I hear back from Job 2 just to take it and say sorry to job 1 but that really doesnt sit comfortably with me and I'd really not like to waste anyones time with this.
Non-games 3D > QA
And just keep working on the portfolio and keep applying at the dream studio with the experience behind you. You will be better for it. :thumbup:
thanks again for the replies, I really appreciate it
I'll certainly take that into consideration, the choice isn't about money its just about enjoying my work and so far I've not exactly had the most fun... and when I saw the email for interview at the Studio it was like I remembered why I wanted to get into the games industry as I had admitdly started to give up.
Thanks again for your reply
I came out of Uni and straight into Vis as a 3D artist, now I run my own department within a year of being here and manage staff
I'd still like to get into games, and I've been given 2 opportunities at game studios however wasn't able to relocate at that time.
and man, you'll learn ALOT
Also, another thing that could happen is getting burned out super fast from working in QA, normally long hours and boring, repetitive tasks will kill your motivation. you will also be one of the first to get let go should the company take a turn for the worst or a project ends.
The 3d job will offer you relevant experience, better pay, and working on 3d all day will help you get faster and aquire more skills that could be readily applicable for games. Move closer if you have to to avoid commuting, its well worth it.
Just to quickly point out, the money side of it isn't an issue as I am in a sort of unique situation at the moment (which isnt a great one but its one that means money isnt really an issue); however that doesn't hide the fact I'd be earning double or more as the 3D artist with oppertunities to earn more in direct comparision to the QA role which is fixed.
I guess for me I've not had it the easiest with some stuff thats happened (not a sob story haha) so I thought WOOOOOOOO insane studio has given me an interview maybe this is my chance!! but obviously you guys know far more than me and so I think I can see it from the other side of the argument more.
I mean sure the drive will suck (i may relocate later on) but with the QA there will be no doubt constant overtime so I wouldn't really be better off time wise.
So yeah, may seem a bit overdone but thanks alot for your responses, I don't have like a group of 3D artists I can talk to so its cool you've taken your time out to respond. Have an internet beer or cookie on me
Also agree that if you can move closer, do so! Or maybe they'd let you work remotely a few days a week...
May I ask, where is this vis studio? Would be funny to see you just turn up in person and be like hai :P
Work at the 3d job for a few months and then rent an apartment closer to it if you can.
@DaveJr Yeah its just outside of Birmingham! Ha! yeah, just be like you're one those who talked me into this!!
@EarthQuake, Yeah I didn't think it would be easy but it would atleast be a sort of "tick in the box" so to speak. I guess with the job I'm going for they said they would help me do more sculpting stuff which would really benefit me as well!
I think thats pretty much the plan, I said I'd look to relocate after successful completion of the probahation
Cheers again everyone
I'd offer the counter-advice (but assuming you don't have loans to pay or mouths to feed :poly136: )
Call this game studio back asap, explain you have an offer (don't say where) but still would like to work as QA. And ask if they can let you know in 48 hours if they still want you. I mean, you got nothing to lose in demanding quicker decision since the non-games job already committed to hiring you, right?
If they say yes, I'd go for it since as QA you'll have first hand info about their team, art direction for present and future devs, and pipeline. If you're skilled enough you can custom prep your portfolio for their IPs.
QA is not like your stigmatized for life as a no talent guy. Why wouldn't they see your portfolio if you're applying from within? I've seen QA contractor profiles on linkedin move on to artist roles. It's a solid foot in the door too as far as networking and possible mentoring possiblities are concerned.
And if you're lucky to ship even as qa, that's a bonus achievement on your resume.
Yeah see that is what I was thinking, and I even approached the guy when he said what would I like to do in 3 or 5 years time I said I wanted to be a 3D Artist etc and he said that some of the people from QA have moved within the company which is what I was hoping to do.
I think if I knew the hours wouldn't be so long as to the point of extra weekend work on top (which I totally understand and appreciate) Im not 100% sure I will find the time to do a portfolio aswell. Maybe I'm being an idiot haha and thinking it will be harder than it actually will, but with what the guys before have said and with this other role allowing me to get to grips with sculpting better etc while at work, seems like a winner for me in that sense. More productive in my time of getting better at the craft rather than being in the studio where I need to find extra time to do so.
Its just difficult because both jobs offer very different ups and downs. I've emailed the studio just to ask, I havnt heard anything so I may call up tomorrow earlyish to find out whats going on and take it from there. Just seems crazy that I've got a chance to work within (I know its not 3D) but the studio I would love to work in and Im now seriously considering the job that Im not as interested in over it lol
Thanks for your counter advice, its kinda reassuring to have atleast one person who matched my original train of thought :poly121:
Hey, you got a job offer. Congrats!
As long as you're maturing as an artist eventually you'll reach your career goals.
Sorry I meant if I get the offer, no offer just yet
Thanks for that
Just saying, it's QA is not a fluff job. Those guys work HARD and often long hours.
I don't disagree. If it's done through a 3rd party temp agency and it's off-site type of QA work, it's probably not a hot prospect.
But if it's on-site and your qa dept is included in company mixers and/or you have access to leads/ art directors I think it's a good (albeit small) opportunity to level up your portfolio. I mean, you can get 5 minute art crits even if you don't lunch with the artists. Bring an ipad or printed out folio to get your pro feedbacks. As long as you do what you're hired to do and don't pest people, I think you'll get some practical tips even earn respect to the point that they'll vouch for you when the time comes that you apply for an art position (anywhere).
Versus...applying as an outsider and your first company encounter is an hr person or non-artist. They won't give you a real crit back if they turn you down.
Well I have accepted the offer for the other job so bring on the Austrailian laungage CDs :P I'm still yet to hear from the studio but I think with this 3D job I can afford/need to get a car and still have more of atleast the same money left over compared to the QA tester so it gives me that extra independence
Yeah Im from the midlands, I don't want to say exactly where as I dont want a freaky clown turning up
But thanks again guys for all of your input, its been hugely helpful