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need suggestion: workflow for 3d color printing using zbrush (and facegen)

Hi, I was asked to prepare models for 3d color printing at work and not sure about the workflow I use is the best.

-First, I use Facegen to generate textured models of their faces of people who send us photos.
-Then I take that to zBrush. I then seperate eyes and the face as different subtools, to apply the seperate textures that come from Facegen.
-After applying the textures, I convert those textures to polypaint due to combining them later.
-This is where I sculpt hair and a body to the face (with eyes)
-After that, I merge each subtool into one piece.
-Then I Dynamesh the imperfect mesh to get the whole mesh to one piece with no holes, while keeping UVs.

This is where I am stuck right now. If I use zremesher, I lose UVs/polypaints/textures. If I go with Dynamesh, I am stuck with millions of polygons so that I cannot get to work with whole mesh's UVs.

Have any better idea anyone?


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