I'm modelling a katana and I've gotten to the tsuba. There are some really beautiful designs out there but I'm having trouble making one efficiently. (I'm not going for this design, this is just a simple example)
I begin with a spline, drawing over an existing template.

Then I attach the splines and use shell to make it three dimensional.

Lastly I need to chamfer or extrude the edges so I can turbosmooth the tsuba, but for that to work efficiently it needs to have clean topology. There is no way I can manually do the topology here myself, so I use Turn to Poly to do it for me, but that's shit and it's making turbosmooth ball up the faces.

I've seen images of all kinds of beautifully modelled tsuba's online, so I know it's possible but I can't seem to get around topologising it for turbosmooth. Help please! (:
That works fine for very simple designs like this one, but for more complex ones, having to do all the topology myself will take freaking forever. I guess it's the only way?
Fortunately it's on a flat surface, so take advantage of that. As previously stated, boolean those shapes into the mesh, dissolve the edges and start the re-topo by hand.
However, you need to add in edge-loops to break the long stretching triangles/quads. So create inset-like edge loops around the shapes and then start connecting the rest.
Also, from the looks of it - you have far more edges than you really need, you could cut down on that.
Basically you need "buffer" polygons around hard edges like cookedpeant showed in his paintover.
If you look at my example, I didnt really give a shit about the topology of the flat areas. Only the holes/details and what not have proper topology and an additional edgeloop to act as a buffer between the "crap" topology and the clean topology.
Appreciate the help everyone. (: