Hi all,
Having an issue with a table top that is nearly flat. I gave the high poly a little bit of an angle, just to make the normal map a little more interesting, but it seems to have backfired.
Below you can see the high poly, followed by the low poly, then the table in Marmoset. At the end is the normal map baked from xNormal.
See the weird artifacts in Marmoset? You can also faintly see it in the normal map. I realize this is something I could clean up in Photoshop, but I'm perplexed at why it's happening at all.
Any help with resolving this would be appreciated, thanks!

Hey, thanks! I baked it as a TIF from xNormal, which automatically saves as 16bit. Looks like those artifacts are gone now.
Is it customary to bake normals to TIF format?
Ok, so it looks fine in Marmoset when I have a 16bit TIFF normal map applied, with Scale & Bias un-checked. Then, when I convert it down to an 8bit TIFF, I need to turn Scale & Bias back on to make it look right, and the artifacts/distortion is showing up again. Any idea what's going on there?
Thanks, I could hug you right now. been trying to sort that for hours:)
I would then go back and add more sides to the top to round out the silhouette as that will be a much better use of geometry.
This project has taken a backseat for the time being. Working on some other things in the meantime, and definitely learning a lot more about preserving silhouettes and optimizing flat surfaces, which I did neither of with this asset. I will probably recreate the low poly altogether when I return to it.