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3DS MAX, Edit Poly and scripts on the quads menu

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Vertrucio greentooth
In 3DS max, I've started using the right-click quads menu more to speed up my workflow.

I've also been using the Edit Poly modifier a lot more to preserve the stack.

Now I've run into a problem where some of the scripts I use regularly (such as EdgeStraighten and loop regularizer) don't appear in the quad menu while I'm working on an object on the Edit Poly modifier, they only show up while on the Editable Poly object base.

Is there any way to fix this? Did I place the script buttons in the wrong place? Or, is there some kind of type mismatch where the scripts are looking only for the Editable Poly, and ignoring Edit Poly modifiers?


  • Nam.Nguyen
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    Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
    Try to turn off keyboard shortcut override

  • Vertrucio
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    Vertrucio greentooth
    Thanks for the tip, but that didn't help, I've had that override turned off for a while now for other reasons.

    For now, I'll just be making duplicates of objects where I need to use those scripts and collapsing the stack. But I honestly would be willing to go and edit the maxscript on these scripts to make them work with edit poly, they're just too useful for the workflow, and MAX's built in tools that do similar things are often just buggy.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    yeah it is horrible, check if the function doesn't exist twice with a slightly different name sometimes you hav a (poly) behind the name. sometimes its just named differently, sometimes it doesn't appear in the all functions list -.-
  • Nam.Nguyen
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    Nam.Nguyen polycounter lvl 11
    Those with ( poly ) behind is the one in the Editable Poly Group. if you set hotkey for them or place them in quad menu, then they'll only show up when you're working with an "Editable Poly" object ( of course with keyboard shortcut override turn on ) that is the way Max organize things. And there're some "hidden" useful funtions in Custonmize UI too, like : center pivot to ( object, world ), send object to world center, dot loop, dot ring . . . it took me awhile to digging and setup everything

    I don't know the Technical side of Edit Poly modifier, but I think it didn't turn objects all the way to Editable Poly, some funtions in max not work well with it like actual Editable Poly Object, so yeah, I tend to duplicates the object and put them in a separate layer if I want to keep Edit Poly mod for later use
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