Yo mates.
Just wondered randomly is there anyone else who had a background in any engineering that wondered their way into 3D world. Maybe I thought I can find similar people and talk random things.
Me for example Mechanical Engineering. Anyone else ?
Engineering was a great thing to study at uni, really interesting. But as a day job... not so much.
What made the difference to big between the two?
Freelancing on the side.
When you study it you analise, synthsize and create whatever solutions to whatever problems you like. When you work you send orders of building steel ingots of same sizes everyday for God knows which reason, also your boss thinks he is smarter than you, workers at the factory thinks they can design better than you. You also work in factories which are located at least 40 km away from the nearest points of civilisation and eat terrible factory food at midday.
Anything else ?
Hell yeah ! Dat nuclear pipes !
Hah. Thats production factories for you...
I don't have those issues, I work with engineering solution. Alot of teamwork between the designers and CAE engineers. One of the most rewarding engineering jobs was beeing involved in the development stages of a new of bulk unloader. Where you could change designs that hadn't been changed for over 30 years. I used dem bevels to get rid of some stress concentrations that been bugging their welding for a couple of revisions. Was fun, but you don't always end up doing somthing creative as that. And you don't want to mess up, as it could end up really bad (with material and ppl getting injured).
But sometimes, it can be very boring...very...very...boring. Specially when you're involved in these huge projects spanning over several years, good income, but repetetive at times.
3d is more of a hobby than a career path at the moment, for me anyways.
now iam working in the car industry as 3d modeler, or "Virtual Media Developer"as it is called
of course it is very nice, but i prefer game development.
will continue a master degree in mechanical engineering.
Yea...took the wrong decision
Good decision IMHO
Close call there mate