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SpinneRx8, HighPoly

SpinneRx8 is a Nazi fantasy combat robot made by future Nazis.




  • DWalker
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    The final joint connecting the legs to the body look rather dainty compared to the rest of the leg. This join should move forwards & back rather than up & down to allow the robot to actually walk.

    The stiletto heels really don't work for me. You want the feet to evenly distribute the weight.

    What's the scale? Is this a giant robot, something about the size of a human, or tiny?

    The minigun is too large for the turret, and it is not able to change the elevation.
  • oobersli
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    oobersli polycounter lvl 17
    wheres your reference? Looking at it right now it looks like something out of your head 100%.

    I would reference construction vehicles for joint/leg assembly. I'd also consider looking at old german ww2 vehicles to carry detail over into this. If you're going to say future nazi's then atleast think about the design elements that make nazi created vehicles be recognized.

    Right now it just seems like Generic Spider robot with generic Gatling gun. I'm not an expert on gatling guns, but I would say that mounting it as a fixed front weapon with a quad leg mech doesn't do much for accuracy and agility. I'd say that a 25 mm M242 from a bradley would be a better fit for something like this.
  • s6
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    s6 polycounter lvl 10
    This isn't an RX8. Whats going on in here.
  • Eros
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    DWalker I am glad you pointed that out I didn't see it till now. I do see I need to do research because this is 100% out of my head. So far the feedback is helpful. I will take all of these critiques and redesign my bot. And s6 RX8 is one of my favorite cars so I just call my bot that. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    thank you.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Because thats the german name would be translated to english
  • DWalker
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    I actually assumed the name was a play on "Spinne", German for spider.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    obviously, but the R at the makes it Spinner, a pretty different meaning.
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