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Walking Pagoda, HighPoly.

Inspired by Japanese architecture, this fantasy medieval machine is made for traveling emperors and royal demons.




  • Kimon
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    Kimon polycounter lvl 6
    I'm confused. You say it's the high poly but I can clearly see the segments on the wheels etc.
  • Magihat
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    Magihat ngon master
    Also, why did you create 3 separate threads for the same model? If you want critique you have gotten some in the other threads but you haven't responded to it. If you just want to show it off then the first thread would have sufficed. I also wonder if this is high or low poly? Some things seem way to blocky for high but others look way to smooth for low.
  • TheAxiom
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    TheAxiom polycounter lvl 3
    I like it dude. Looks very cool.

    It's weird because I literally made a concept of this earlier in the year.
    Are we psychically linked or are you stealing my ideas? Haha :P

  • Eros
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    TheAxiom wrote: »
    I like it dude. Looks very cool.

    It's weird because I literally made a concept of this earlier in the year.
    Are we psychically linked or are you stealing my ideas? Haha :P

    TheAxiom this the first I've seen of your work and it is awesome! I had a dream about this mechanism when I was young and wanted to create ever since. I see I still have much to learn but I glad to see there is someone out there that thinks as I do!
  • Eros
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    Sorry about the multiple threads. this is my first time using poly count or any site to display work. So I am deeply sorry for the confusion. This is actually an assignment, I go to an Art School and are assignment is to put are work up and have it critiqued. So far the feedback is helpful. I'm not a good modeler but I hope to get better and his is the first step of many.

    thank you.
  • Gannon
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    Gannon interpolator
    Needs more Will Smith.

    It's nice to be able to visualize the entire model but Make sure you only lay out the UVs for one tier and then replace the others. This will reduce the amount of work you need to do.
  • NegevPro
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    NegevPro polycounter lvl 4
    It's a very interesting idea, I'd like to see some updates at some point! One thing that stands out as a "problem" to me is the identical middle portion, it looks like you just copied and pasted the same groups of meshes a few times.

    I would suggest trying to make them look a bit different from each other to make them look more like separate, unique pieces. An idea could be to hang some stuff off the sides of them like some lanterns in the interior portion, or some other kinds of decorations. Anyway, it's looking pretty solid!
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