I just finished rigging and skinning my humanoid character in 3ds Max 2014 and it seems there's no way to attach geometry and yet preserve the envelopes? I've tried saving and loading envelopes and so on but I guess attaching geometry, even if it's entirely separate elements and not part of the same mesh, messes up the vertex numbers which in turn messes up the envelopes.
Is there any workaround other than either skinning it all over again after attaching these elements or simply applying a separate skin modifier for these elements (so they're separate objects rather than attaching them to the main object).
The elements in question are eyelashes and eyes, by the way.
Thanks in advance!
2. Attach the new objects to the clone.
3. Add a SkinWrap Modifier to the clone.
4. Add original Skinned mesh to the SkinWrap modifier.
5. Make sure Skin Wrap is on Face Deformation Engine.
6. Then click Convert to Skin.