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trying to find common ground

fixed up all the issues i or several other illustrators could findtrying_to_find_common_ground_by_hattonslayden-d7hyc2e.jpg


  • Muzzoid
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    Muzzoid greentooth
  • hattonslayden
    Muzz wrote: »
    Nice job :)
    thank you
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Something that may help in the future, is making sure you have a definite warm and cool setup.

    Like the light hitting the tree is pulling it to a yellow from a dark green, looks like a warm light. But the light on the snake looks cool since it has warm shadows and a pale pink lit side..

    It's one of those things that I keep finding hurts my paintings before I realize what's wrong, but helps a lot when I keep it in mind.
  • hattonslayden
    Avanthera wrote: »
    Something that may help in the future, is making sure you have a definite warm and cool setup.

    Like the light hitting the tree is pulling it to a yellow from a dark green, looks like a warm light. But the light on the snake looks cool since it has warm shadows and a pale pink lit side..

    It's one of those things that I keep finding hurts my paintings before I realize what's wrong, but helps a lot when I keep it in mind.

    interesting, i think my red/green color blindness is keeping me from seeing what you are seeing as i am seeing more yellow than any pink, but i will try to unify the colors more. i would also ask if anyone is seeing anatomical issues?
  • hattonslayden
    the next in the series until i can figure out how to unify my colors on the first without taking it too far. title is "Nell is afraid of Heights"1714.jpg
  • hattonslayden
  • hattonslayden
    Avanthera wrote: »
    Something that may help in the future, is making sure you have a definite warm and cool setup.

    Like the light hitting the tree is pulling it to a yellow from a dark green, looks like a warm light. But the light on the snake looks cool since it has warm shadows and a pale pink lit side..

    It's one of those things that I keep finding hurts my paintings before I realize what's wrong, but helps a lot when I keep it in mind.
    trying_to_find_common_ground_reworking_by_hattonslayden-d7mrxj2.jpgtrying to fix the extras based off crit
  • gustavotorqueto
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    gustavotorqueto polycounter lvl 5
    Hi Hattonslyden,
    One suggestion is to add some gradient on the background from bottom to top! Add some complementary colors on the image will help to valuate you painting. Just like Marco Bucci explain in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nINus0lYQjo
    I´ve been trying to use this information! It was kind of mynd blowing for me =)
  • hattonslayden
    Hi Hattonslyden,
    One suggestion is to add some gradient on the background from bottom to top! Add some complementary colors on the image will help to valuate you painting. Just like Marco Bucci explain in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nINus0lYQjo
    I´ve been trying to use this information! It was kind of mynd blowing for me =)
    well yeah that is putting it lightly :XD: that helped put things in a new light

  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    well yeah that is putting it lightly :XD: that helped put things in a new light

    Really great improvement !

    By the way, your illustrations really disturb me. Haha. What is that creature? What is going on between those two? Oo
  • hattonslayden
    Suba wrote: »
    Really great improvement !

    By the way, your illustrations really disturb me. Haha. What is that creature? What is going on between those two? Oo

    well Nell is a Naga, snake people that i based off of some renditions in modern pop culture. these are always shown as bad guys because they are snakes. aka bad because of how they look (surface only). i have taken that stereotype and thrown it right out the window from the top of a skyscraper and chucked a few bricks after it for good measure.

    brief in story Gerrard (the human) fell from an air city and humanity has taken to the sky's in order to not have to interact will all the 'inferior' peoples of the world (aka everyone who does not look human) Nell finds his broken body and out of kindness and fascination she nurses him back to health.

    of course Gerrard is at first terrified of her as he is just a typical person based off of how i see the state of our current society as a whole (all nations included) with one exception. as he is able to let go of his racist and bigot view of her and her people and see the reality of who she truly is and they become a couple.

    now of course there will be no "james camerons avatar"ing in this or any of my stories as that is the same as taking "guess who's coming to dinner" and at the very end magically changing the character played by Sidney Poitier with some random white actor, and thus make the whole message irrelevant.

    now think about this. if i were to revers the genders. would you feel as disturbed? or even disturbed at all? now from my experience of the past 14 years most people would say 'no' unless you asked the question directly as i have.

    of course having this point of view seems to have made me one of the most hated people in all illustrative industries
  • Suba
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    Suba polycounter lvl 5
    Damn haha, well I guess you are ballsy then, and that is a good thing.
    I like the universe you created here. It is easy to work with stereotypes, it always work, but what you're doing is a lot harder.

    I don't get why people would not been as disturbed honestly. I know I would. Hell, a humain romance between a human and a snake thing is kinda creepy when you think about it. Doesn't really matter to me if the humain is a male or female.
  • hattonslayden
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