Hi people,
iam studying anatomy like a monster. Position, origin, name, insertion and so forth. But i have a bit of a problem with proportion and anatomy on REALLY slim or petite girls. Most examples and so forth talk about your average girls. Normal "strong" womaney legs (for example). But let's say you got a japanese girl...1,55 to 1,60m, 45kg, very very light in definition of breast and hips. My fiance is one of those and she barely has any differantiation between deltoid, triceps, brachialis and biceps. Her pectoralis, abdominals, obliques, serratus and so forth are all just like one surface (which is not so uncommon for japanese girls /woman). only thing really sticking out is the illiac crest. Also proportion...what headcount would she be then? Still 6? I mean in producing a Base mesh, i still would go in sculpt the muscles defined but without a lot of volume on low resolution to just get the mesh volume down and then retopo and then define those parts that are visible (ripcage, illiac crest and so fort). Or what would be better?
Reference, Always use reference.