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Substance Designer 4.3 Now Available

polycounter lvl 4
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wesm polycounter lvl 4

We are happy to announce Substance Designer 4.3 with Yebis Integration!

Yebis provides state-of-the-art viewport post process rendering directly in Substance Designer.

“Digital artists ultimately want to feel unconfined by unnecessary layers. They want to make a change and see what it’s actually going to look like right away,” said Dr. Sébastien Deguy, Founder and CEO at Allegorithmic. "Combining YEBIS 2’s stellar post processing technology with the PBR viewports in both our Substance texture creation products will help us remove most of these layers, and will continue to make the Substance suite the only one-stop shop for textures.”

Substance Designer 4.3 Video

What's New:

Propertie - Remember collapsed/opened parameters group
3D View - Save image to disk
3D View - copy image to clipboard
3D View - Integrate Yebis 2 post effects
3D View - Add button to display the scene properties in the bottom toolbar
3D View] - PBR / Use spherical harmonics for diffuse lighting
Graph -use double click to display graph properties instead of single click
Bitmap editor - Set D to reset the two colours to black&white
Library - Add environment maps In Library
Library - Add 30 PBR materials
Properties - Graph icon: past image from clipboard

Bug Fixes:

2D View - "save current image" and "outputs" buttons don't use the same code to save images
3D View - Video Memory leak when loading several environment textures from files
SVG - hitting X in the SVG editor makes SD crash
Graph - Export outpus fails if images files are ReadOnly (Perforce)
Graph - Creating input/output nodes from node uses connector label instead of identifier
Wrong reference url generated in sbs when referencing data located in a alias path
Crash when editing a bitmap

Know issues:

Bakers may produce black textures when used with Yebis open. If it's the case, disable Yebis or close the 3D view as a workaround.



  • Dataday
    Offline / Send Message
    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    WOOHOO! That was fast.

    Add: Doesnt seem to be live on Steam yet.
  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    OMG, must give this a try !
  • RobeOmega
    Offline / Send Message
    RobeOmega polycounter lvl 10
    Quixel products are also amazing for students with their prices.

    The problem with modelling right now is that there is such a monopoly my Autodesk that they can get away with prices such as this.
    Modo has a better price but still it is autodesk vs the foundry with 50% less price but still no where near where it should be.

    Cheaper what do we have to compete Blender???

    Also Zbrush has a student version but it is not offered by them and most of the links to the vendors are no longer up
  • Dataday
    Offline / Send Message
    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    I have a feeling you will see the Foundry get far more competitive as a means to put their products in areas generally dominated by Autodesk products.

    Allegorithimic continues to impress though. Glad they are on "our" side. =)
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