Hello! My name is Jlem (read as Lem), aka Jl and Jleming (also read as Leming), and this is my thread. I've done concepts mostly, but recently started to model.
Always opened for collab as some of my concpts are waaaay ahead of my modeling skills:D
Clockwerk (no name yet)
This is more "battle ready" clock's armor. He has battery assault on his right shoulder now and the claw is a replacement for his weapon
Doom (WIP name - Corrupted by Darkness)
Doom has a dark corruption covering most of his body, but his inner fire is still burning which you can see by those red veinlets on the corruption.
Crystal Valkyrie
Doom (no name yet)
Doom got tired of his damaged wings, so he found new ones: he tore away Wildwing's and shaped them to remind his symbol. It is also Wildwing's skull between the wings.
Thinking of adding some bones sticking out to make it more brutal.
More concepts are coming.
Gotta agree with that. It looks really nice, but I doubt it would make it into the game. It looks so different that I first thought it was a Warlock Golem.
Well, I think it's good to have sth that different, because such set won't make people wonder "what does this one have, that my set doesn't", also in action it will be easy to understand that this is Doom.
As they say, "a fish rots from the head", that's why head should be the most corrupted part. Moreover, according to some research I found and partly proved, such masks, with no eyes seen, creep people out, as they hide person's intentions. That's why, as I see it, this set should scare poeple as they see this mighty giant figure coming to them with absolutely no emotions.
But seriously, you should change the color of the mask atleast so it doesn't break his color scheme
And is this a bit based off of a digimon character? because im kinda getting a hue from there
Never whatched digimon actually, and saw only a t-rex digimon, so I got no hue from there.
And the mask stays white
In regards to DOTA, I have a hard time seeing this implemented as it stands.
While I think its the mask might be a little bit of the problem, the glaring non-doom factor in my opinion, is the directional you have going with the feathery bits. Doom looks slick here, like a DMC villian, not like a barbaric hellspawn.
The mask is cool, and I understand its vital to your concept, but accept that it's a stark contrast from the core of the original character design, I think with some minor tweaks to the concept in favor of both doom/dota aesthetic themes while keeping the idea intact could yield a really awesome result. Keep it up.
Another concept for Doom, single item this time. Doom got tired of his damaged wings, so he found new ones: he tore away Wildwing's and shaped them to remind his symbol. It is also Wildwing's skull between the wings.
Thinking of adding some bones sticking out to make it more brutal.
Many of you asked to redo my Doom concept to make it more "doomish". Well, I think I nailed it. What do you think?
But at the end of the day Valve decides who is in and who is out.. so you are riding on the razors edge a bit, and perhaps not in the right favor.
As for the tweaks I still don't think you have iterated on the concept enough, I dont understand the armor corset thing, I guess the design makes it seem like the corruption and the cloth are connected in some way. I really was digging the gauntlet design before as it was such a unique silhouette draw so I'm bit sad to see it go. The feathers have made some good steps but I'm still feeling a bit to noise. It seems almost Mononoke-esque, but pulling that off will be near impossible.
I think that the chest is actually the main problem area at the moment. Like you have this great sense of weight on the shoulders that (presumably) covers his entire back side (would be great to see a turn around of this guy), but then the upper chest just seems kind of forced and even. Like really after thought-y.
Finally, the game silhouette of Doom really REALLY accentuates his back, especially his shoulders and spine, I'd like to see you do some paintovers of the ingame because at the current moment it just feels too "blob of feathers" and muddling up that will make/break the vibe of this concept.
PS. Not having wings or wing esque things on doom is going to dramatically change the silhouette, and I'd be interested in seeing how you solve the problem.
Like I said, It's a good idea but as a concept for Dota you have a long road if you want this to work and be awesome, 2cents.
Wow, thank you for this review of my concept.
I really wanted to fit in the same gaunlet silhouette as in the first concept, but for some reason changed my mind at the last second. Now I have another reason to try to fit it in.
The dark cloth wes made to add a bit of this dark color to the lowerbody, so that it had a smoother gradient from black to red. The same reason i added this grey corset... also i just like it
I'll try to rework the chest peice to make it look better as an individual item, but i don't really understand what do you mean by "even" as a bad thing.
I'll do some paintovers of the ingame, probably i'll paint over the screenshot you've linked.
Acrually this concept has wings, but they're designed to look like a part of the shoulders and back feathers, and separately they look like Venge's wings, not really big and feathery.
Again, thank you for this great feedback.
Just a quick early concept sketch of a radiance for Doom. The main idea: Doom had a weapon but once he touched it with a hand of Midas wich made a part of this weapon golden. Only this part we may see on the radiance icon. I know that interpretations of the game items don't usually get accepted easily, but i wanted to share this idea with you.
lots of them, i know. As i already said, this is just an idea i wanted to share
No problem, and keep plugging at it! You got dis.
Thank you, I'm doing my best to make it work without ruining the design.
Never actually seen this Zeiram, though it indeed has similar face, mine even has the same mouth.
And just to make it clear, this design came to me while i stood in the middle of the night in my kitchen, God knows why, a bit drunk and sleepy. It just suddenly appeared in my head and I ran to my room to sketch it, while i still have it in my head, and that's how the first concept appeared. That's why it is so important for me, it was pure inspiration or sth:D
Other parts are just amazing.
And all these are only my opinion.
It seems to me that these shoulders and head would suit Spectre more.
Already done, look in the comments
None taken. Face is the most questionable part of this set for people but it is vital to the concept and all the reasons i've already listed somewhere above. If this set ever gets into workshop and only face will stop it from being in-game, I will concider making an alternative style, but I'll still insist on adding both of them
Thank you
Yes, it is
Anyhow, here's an early TB set concept, hope you'll like it
P.S. the hood is just an idea, probably still gonna make horns for this set
Looks really nice, this better have a metamorph form! :poly121:
Thank you, that means the goal is achieved:D
On it's way, hopefully will have first concept in a couple of days:)
Thank you
My TB concept got kinda taken, so I couldn't post it WIP.
But i also started to work on Udying set conccept, called Dead God's Harbringer. Tomb, golem and mini zombies are coming later.
Crystal Valkyrie (wip name) set for CM
and Elder Titan set
Thank you, yeah, as soon as i get inspired the way i did, when i drew this sketch, I'll finish it, but right now i focused on learning 3D and finishing this DK blade
600 poly
good luck to whoever executes it.
And take screenshots!
Thank you
Thank you, good luck indeed:D
Well I took this shots a bit in a hurry for a friend, and when decided to post this, i thought "eh, that'll work for a WIP"
Gonna take screenshots next time:)
Turns out this "lowpoly" mesh I did was 2000 poly, damn ZRemesher:D
Still learning modeling, hopefully gonna make proper lowpoly by monday
Also, there supposed to be his head in the hood, just didn't draw it as it is part of the base model