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Photoshop remove " copy" in actions.

polycounter lvl 6
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pointcache polycounter lvl 6
Hey, another difficult question here, i don't even expect any luck with this but still.
Prior to some version (i was on CS3 by the time) all i should do is use Hex editor to RIP OFFFFFFF (WITH FLESH AND GUTS) the " copy" and replace it with 00 00 00 00,
meaning never again i would see it. But now on CC it doesn't work with actions.

It works fine with manual saving, but actions seem to use different source of that " copy" diabolical demon spawn, and im unable to figure out where exactly it is located and probably i never will.

But there must be a way to tell CC to stop adding " copy" in action, unlock "save as a copy" option with some sort of cracking exe magic, or some magical scripting.
Im struggling here, i used to make it work in cs6 somehow.

(inb4: dont explain me how "save as a copy" works and why, believe me i know)
(upd: still there is no justification for making this terrible design flaw)


  • pointcache
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    pointcache polycounter lvl 6
    Push my luck even more, if anyone knows how to use this script
    im embarassed but i never used scripts in PS and i don't know how to install and use this one. But it seems it does exactly what's needed.
    #target photoshop 
    $.localize = true; 
    docRef = app.activeDocument 
    var x = separateFileName(docRef.name) 
    theFile = new File ( docRef.path + "/" + x['filename'] + '.png') 
    if (theFile.exists) { 
    docExportOptions = new ExportOptionsSaveForWeb 
    docExportOptions.format = SaveDocumentType.PNG //-24 //JPEG, COMPUSERVEGIF, PNG-8, BMP 
    docExportOptions.transparency = true 
    docExportOptions.blur = 0.0 
    docExportOptions.includeProfile = false 
    docExportOptions.interlaced = false 
    docExportOptions.optimized = true 
    docExportOptions.quality = 100 
    docExportOptions.PNG8 = false 
    docRef.exportDocument (theFile,ExportType.SAVEFORWEB,docExportOptions) 
    function separateFileName(theFileName){ 
        if (/\.\w+$/.test(theFileName)) { 
            var m = theFileName.match(/([^\/\\]+)\.(\w+)$/); 
            if (m) 
                return {filename: m[1], ext: m[2]}; 
                return {filename: 'no file name', ext:null}; 
        } else { 
            var m = theFileName.match(/([^\/\\]+)$/); 
            if (m) 
                return {filename: m[1], ext: null}; 
                return {filename: 'no file name', ext:null}; 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Did you try searching for this info?

    If you searched "photoshop save as a copy" you would find links like this which explain your problem in detail.
  • pointcache
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    pointcache polycounter lvl 6
    Yes i did in fact i've been in any search result you can find on google with all possible queries now if YOU can lol fix the problem by following any direction from the thread you took from first google search results just to show off how you are smarter than me, then yes i will choke on my words, until then i will take your post as offense and ignore you. also reported.
  • Eric Chadwick

    Sorry, that's childish of me.

    What have you tried so far? Did you try placing the javascript where it goes in your PS folder? Did you try running it from the File menu?
  • Eric Chadwick
    About the"copy" problem, how are you saving your file. What exact steps. Did you try Flattening your image, and converting to 8bits, before saving as PNG? Have you tried using the Image Processor? Have you tried using Save For Web?
  • pointcache
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    pointcache polycounter lvl 6
    Np i raged a bit too. Stress.
    Sweet! Found scripts folder, put script on action, works flawlessly, thanks.
    As for copy problem - flattening kills transparency, 8bit does not affect still adds " copy", image processor i ignore (and see no way to save as png quickly without hassle) save for web holds no path info so you have to chose path each time (or each file)
  • Eric Chadwick
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