Does anyone know what bottlenecks me?
I have just bought a GTX 780 Superclocked from EVGA and while viewport and such is blazing fast, the sculpting per se with big brushes is still pretty slow: annoying.
What is the problem? may be my i7 920?
You should try to see if you can find a way to deal with the bottleneck, rather than running out and buying a new CPU. Maybe try sculpting on a lower subdivision level when you need to use big brushes?
You should be able to get great results with an i7 920, no matter what program you're using. I bet you could even do some serious sculpting with Blender.
Maybe try sculpting on a lower subdivision level when you need to use big brushes?
I bet you could even do some serious sculpting with Blender.
Thanks for the answer, indeed stepping down is an option, but i really like to work with high subs levels so that the wax tool gets all the edginess of the stamps
your computer isnt the problem...
mudbox does not work well with big brushes in higher levels...
if you need to move big areas step one or two levels down and do your work there...
Thanks for reassuring me oglu. While we are at it, and i know you from seeing you posting in nearly every mudbox forum ive visited, may i ask you: do you think the gtx780SC is good bang for buck? would mudbox profit from a titans FP32?
It's not. Your computer is fine; what's bottlenecking you is your impatience. You're like a patient who complains to his doctor that it hurts when he touches a hot stove. If it hurts when you touch a hot stove, don't touch a hot stove! And if you must touch a hot stove, use a potholder. And if you must sculpt with large brushes on high-resolution models, you'd better either learn to wait, figure out a different way to get the detail you want, make some different stylistic choices that won't bog down Mudbox so much, or put some of those details in the texture rather than in the sculpt and use another program to translate that texture to a normal map.
Be creative! Throwing more hardware at your problem is almost certainly not the right choice.
It's not. Your computer is fine; what's bottlenecking you is your impatience. You're like a patient who complains to his doctor that it hurts when he touches a hot stove. If it hurts when you touch a hot stove, don't touch a hot stove! And if you must touch a hot stove, use a potholder. ...
Be creative! Throwing more hardware at your problem is almost certainly not the right choice.
But if I use more ovens, my food will cook faster! (Actually true if you're cooking several batches, but still not recommended for the average person or professional chef no matter how quickly they want dinner.)
We can make lots of recommendations about potholders and other not-burning-yourself devices, but if you just want an excuse to spend lots of money on the very slightly faster oven I don't think you're going to get that here.
Ive been working with a gtx275 for the past 5years so sorry if it was about time to upgrade i was just a bit disappointed by seeing that the brush speed did not improve as drastically as te viewport... But thanks for escalating this quickly and making me look like a spoiled brat eheh just kidding, thanks for the feedback, the consensus seems to be "it sucks, work around it" ? I am a bit disappointed by the latest versions of mudbox, even tho retopo/decimate/fair/patch are handy, lots of workarounds needed there too...
You should be able to get great results with an i7 920, no matter what program you're using. I bet you could even do some serious sculpting with Blender.
mudbox does not work well with big brushes in higher levels...
if you need to move big areas step one or two levels down and do your work there...
Thanks for the answer, indeed stepping down is an option, but i really like to work with high subs levels so that the wax tool gets all the edginess of the stamps
Thanks for reassuring me oglu. While we are at it, and i know you from seeing you posting in nearly every mudbox forum ive visited, may i ask you: do you think the gtx780SC is good bang for buck? would mudbox profit from a titans FP32?
think its a waste of money...
Be creative! Throwing more hardware at your problem is almost certainly not the right choice.
We can make lots of recommendations about potholders and other not-burning-yourself devices, but if you just want an excuse to spend lots of money on the very slightly faster oven I don't think you're going to get that here.