I feel like I should know this by now, but it's something that bugs the shit out of me all the time.
I am looking for answers for both 3ds max and maya. After performing specific operations you lose you're object transforms. I want to be able to re-adjust the object orientation to what it would be, had it not lost its transform. Any easy way to do this?
I know in Maya you can set it to an edge, which works decent but doesn't change the rotation axis for some reason.
any help is appreciated, THANKS!
You could try to set the pivot point manually. In max it was below the hirarchie tab, but i hav´nt used max for some years.
You can also reset the spinners at the bottem right next to the isolate en lock toggle.
You can also connect it to a dummy object and use that as your base for transforming.
and basically used your method Redsett for maya.
that script wasn't working for some reason, but I didn't know about those snap align tools.
Thanks guys.