Depends on the platform, on the view (fps or tps for example), and on a few other things, but the double or the triple (or even more depending on things) of the current is really acceptable nowadays.
I think your blade's poly count is definitely within reason, you have a clean silhouette and a clean bake; I wouldn't change it.
Maybe up the poly count on the grip? If this were a first person model, then anytime the grip is viewed from longways (maybe never?) it absolutely will look terrible. You could easily make that a 16-sided cylinder. That said, if this is a first person model, it will most likely always be covered by a hand and then the grip is an afterthought and the grip doesn't need nearly as much texture space. So it comes down to figuring out what purpose you want to create a model for and then you can illustrate to employers that you understand how to model for games based on applications.
However it's worth noting that the fingerprints on the knife's spec make no sense whatsoever. Are only the tips of fingers touching this thing and never any palms or the length of fingers? Definitely consider that when texturing.
right GLOSS
Just joking, looks solid ^^
Yeah, looks good, but you should add more geo. Especially if you want next gen look. PBR friendly maps would help too.
Maybe up the poly count on the grip? If this were a first person model, then anytime the grip is viewed from longways (maybe never?) it absolutely will look terrible. You could easily make that a 16-sided cylinder. That said, if this is a first person model, it will most likely always be covered by a hand and then the grip is an afterthought and the grip doesn't need nearly as much texture space. So it comes down to figuring out what purpose you want to create a model for and then you can illustrate to employers that you understand how to model for games based on applications.
However it's worth noting that the fingerprints on the knife's spec make no sense whatsoever. Are only the tips of fingers touching this thing and never any palms or the length of fingers? Definitely consider that when texturing.