Trying to learn normal mapping and the such following along with a tutorial.. But when I apply my Normal Map, no matter the resolution, it looks like it's 256x256 in the viewport and jagged..
I tried going through the wiki and people with similar issues but so far nothing has helped me.
Information to help- I'm rendering through Render to Texture.
- I enabled Global Supersampler - Hammersley - Quality 1.0 (Tried Quality .5 too)
- My projection cage encapsulates my object.
- I have edge padding of 5
- Project Mapping is enabled using a cage for Averaged Normals
- Saved as a .tga
This is a 2048x2048 example in viewport...

Banging my head here. I'm aware there are more errors after this to fix. but I see no reason why this error is occurring.
Below is just information that correlates to the problem and what solved it in case anyone else stumbles in here with the same issue.
Nitrous Direct 3d 11
Nitrous Direct 3d 9
Nitrous Software
All gave me this problem. Using a GTX 580. So I switched to Legacy Direct3D and did Perna's method and I'm good to go (Doesn't seem to allow you to Configure Drivers of the Nitrous displays).
I think I'm just going to stick to Xoliul's Shader though, thank you for reminding me of these viewport max plugins!