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Zbrush to 3ds max Pillar

polycounter lvl 10
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Wozner polycounter lvl 10
Hello PC,

I`m just keep digging in Zbrush and have some quite dumb question. Here is my pipeline of making destructed pillar.

- Created base mesh of pillar in 3ds max low poly
- Imported in Zbrush and subdivided it a couple of times
- Used clay tubes, smooth and crumple brushes to give geometry rock look
- Assigned some noise to entire pillar to make it look like a concrete pillar

When all hi-poly changes were made, I decided to paint model directly in Zbrush with UV created with UV master

- Changed subdivisions to the lower level 1
- Used UV master -> Work on clone -> Unwrap -> Copy UV`s
- Opened hi-poly subtool -> UV Master -> Paste UV's
- Imported texture of concrete in spotlight and painted on my mesh

When I was satisfied with painted model, I went to Texture map and clicked "New texture" and then exported it as .psd file. And finally prepared model for export

- Hi-poly model was decimated with decimation master
- exported to obj

So in conclusion I have hi-poly pillar which I can bake then to normal map, but diffuse map loos poor. If you could suggest your pipeline on making such model, I will be glad to hear about your experience.


  • SaboR1996
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    SaboR1996 polycounter lvl 8
    Have you instead tried creating masks using black and white for material separation and then doing all your texturing inside Photoshop?
  • Wozner
    Offline / Send Message
    Wozner polycounter lvl 10
    Well... I knew, that texture will require some adjustments in photoshop. I just tried this:

    - exported hipoly to obj with painted texture to max
    - imported hipoly model and decreased polys, so it turned to low-poly
    - unwrapped Lowpoly model
    - adjusted hi and low poly at the same coordinates and baked diffuse and normal map from hi to low poly model (so all texture info and normal went to my UV's)

    After this I guess I can work in photoshop and assign new hi res textures, what you think? Is this a good pipeline, or am I doing some unnecessary steps?
  • Wozner
    Offline / Send Message
    Wozner polycounter lvl 10
    I just found, that I have some issue with polys with my pillar, smooth brush does not help to solve the problem. Maybe you could help with this, normal looks ugly, not like a rock :(
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