I am developing my digital painting skills and I would love some feedback!
Hit me hard! Where is my strengths? Where are my weaknesses? What should I try different next time?
Better posing? Better color theory? Am I forgetting the lighting theories?
Is the composition not that good? Do I need to refine the look so that the changes in hue and shadows smoother? Still too rough to be called finished?
Here is what I have so far!
nice effort, seems that you are trying to tackle many things at once!
Main advice would be todo both individual subject practicework, (like only anatomy studys, only animal anatomy, only perspective exercize, folds study, etc), and combining them into finished personal pieces to keep the fun and motivation.
Don't hesitate to do copy from masters as well.
You'll get better with time. Just practice, be patient, and enjoy yourself.
Keep it on!
that is one of the best advice i have ever red.
- (no pun inteded)
@ OP, well you need to study, period. I could critique your current art work but it has a lot missing so I would say, go ahead and study. CTRL+paint.com is a good place to start at.