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Textures Messed Up - Help!

sublime tool
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idli sublime tool

I'm working on a character, and I find very weird thing happening to my textures, and have no idea why.

I have made a quad base, exported to mudbox, sculpted, extracted AO, Normal, and DP maps. Once I created the diffuse in PS, they look great to what I'd expect but only from a distance if I zoom in the textures get sort of blend with something else - I have never seen anything like it before.

Here is how I set up my textures in Max: Standard Blinn with Diffuse x100 value (PNG)+ Normal x80 (TGA) value and Disp x3 (EXR) value maps in their slots. Value = Strength

I have placed those maps on two different models with same UVs and the effect is the same, pretty weird cuz I haven't got any issues with face and helmet tho - they have separate textures.

Form here there is no way I can zoom to a character or render HQ.

I need to export it to Unity soon - Please help, help, help... :femme:

Here a screenshot of what I'm on about:


  • idli
    Offline / Send Message
    idli sublime tool
    I forgot to mention I'm 3ds Max user. I guess I sorted it out - for now - I have deleted the standard blinn, created Arch&Des material - and diffuse behaves as it should no 'bleending' anymore, I still do not know how it will behave in Unity later, should be fine, as texture file is correct, and I still can't understand what causes it, but once I know I surely leave a reply and answer for others.
  • Mr.Moose
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    Mr.Moose polycounter lvl 7
    Could use some padding on that UV , usually at a distance things bleed over.. Its why padding is quite popular. Other than that I wouldn't know :(
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Could be ur normal map?
  • idli
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    idli sublime tool
    Thanks guys. I will be recreating those textures again for a full body (as one piece character) UVs and will remember about padding I did not know that till now - I have noticed that my UVs go outside of the chequer pattern area - maybe that's the reason, and yeah, someone else told me about flipping the maps before exporting them from sculpting program and orient them in correct axis - well but I did try to use only the diffuse - switched off the N and DP and the problem was still there - until I used Arch and Design.. Thanks again
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