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Timey Wimey Wibbly Wobbly Tardis

polycounter lvl 5
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Susanne polycounter lvl 5
Been working on a Tardis from Doctor Who for a while now and gotten a bit stuck. For the most part, I've stuck with the design from the 10th Doctor's Tardis, as seen in the image below, although I've taken some freedoms here and there and tried to make it a bit more worn.

At first, I was thinking about making it quite worn down, making it seem as if it had been left alone for several years, slowly decaying. However, now I'm thinking of possibly just making it a little worn here and there as I am having a hard time actually making it look super worn down in a believeable way.

The model is rendered in Marmoset Toolbag and uses a diffuse, specular, gloss and normal map.

At the moment, I've still got a lot of texturing left to do and especially with the wear and tear, but I as it feel like I am staring myself blind, any feedback or thoughts are much appreciated.

Tenth's Tardis/Main reference:

Progress so far:



  • Spikings
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    I really like the 'worn down' look you're going for, the wood texture looks great. I'd say it's missing the iconic blue that makes it the TARDIS though. Not to the extent of the 11th Doctor's version (that is WAY too blue!), but I think a little more colour in the wood will really help your model. The Public Call Box sign should be a little darker too as it seems almost completely rusted through atm. Hope this helps! :)
  • Teessider
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    Teessider polycounter lvl 11
    Spikings wrote: »
    I really like the 'worn down' look you're going for, the wood texture looks great. I'd say it's missing the iconic blue that makes it the TARDIS though. Not to the extent of the 11th Doctor's version (that is WAY too blue!), but I think a little more colour in the wood will really help your model. The Public Call Box sign should be a little darker too as it seems almost completely rusted through atm. Hope this helps! :)

    I agree with this. The iconic blue wood of the TARDIS needs to be in there and the Public Call Box sign seems washed out (the suggestion will help I think)

    Looking good so far though :)
  • silvershrimp
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    The pannels have all got a vignette on them, you need to vary that as the round lighter spots is very distracting. Agreed on the hue, think about breaking some windows. Id put some more serious chips in it and have some larger wear areas. Nice work though.
  • Susanne
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    Susanne polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks for the feedback, needed that to get started with this again! I made the Tardis more blue and adjusted Police Sign a little and it really looks much better. I also reduced the vingette effect, which once pointed out, I saw that it could be a bit too much.

    Also started on the wear and tear and I've still got to do it more on the bottom and the sides. Will also look into making a few of the windows cracked as I proceed.

    Here's how it is looking so far:

  • Susanne
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    Susanne polycounter lvl 5
    Worked more on the TARDIS and for now, I think I'll leave it as is, as I feel I have taken it to a good enough stage. Still have things I could tweak, but over all, it works.

    Any feedback is appreciated!

    Turntable: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJtSK2fUOU8

  • Mr Smo
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    Mr Smo polycounter lvl 18
    looks great! the only thing i would add is that perhaps the paints specular could be a bit flatter and perhaps the entrance floor to the tardis could be smoother from wear and tear of eons of trampling :)
  • DWalker
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    I assumed from its small size and the sign in front telling people to pull to open that the doors would open out, but your partially open door suggests that the door opens in. (Of course, the sign could just be a deterrent to keep out those who always follow the rules...)

    You might want to add a bit more grime to the windows, especially to the lower corners.

    You could vary the fading on the wood's paint, leaving the area under the horizontal beams slightly darker where it has been protected from the elements.
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