Going to finally stop post lurking and finally start my own project, having a go at this concept in UDK along with modularity in mind, this thread is mainly about me learning new techniques in level design as well as modelling and sculpting, so critiques will help.
Concept by Marco Caradonna

Planning stage:

That's not necessarily a bad thing. It's good because it will allow you to have some creative freedom and create something more vivid and detailed than the concept based on your own subjective interpretation. In the end it will still look like the concept, but better.
Started the blockout in UDK, I do use BSP but I don't export, I just write down the measurements.
Still yet to do the door and stairs, archway and the pillar statue things.
I also cant see my dropbox picture upload. if you all can tell me.
I also realized the scale is way off, I will be fixing that.
but, the new way im going to tackle this environment is by using the models that come with UDK
but why?, you may ask.
I'm not tackling this environment to improve my modelling skills. I am mainly tackling it to get forms and dimensions correct, and when I model I feel like that it gets in the way of my thinking process when putting the level together, not to mention it is also to improve my lighting and shading techniques.
it may seem pretty cliche but I feel this way of thinking will improve my level design a lot better than if I was to actually model the environment myself.