Hey, how would you go about creating a illustrated skysphere?
I'm coming from a 2D Background and I can't wrap my head around it.
The clouds and the mountains must be spherically distorted, so the will get displayed properly in the game engine (Unity).
Here's what I'm working with:

Right now we're working with a Skysphere where this is mapped onto, but the texture get's horribly distorted.
Help would be truly appreciated!
You could also simply use cutout polygons for this kind of skybox. Make each cloud a set of polygons, the blue sky on a dome, the mountains in front of that, etc. Then you could rotate them at different speeds to have moving clouds, with some parallax.
I put some resources here
I'm using Modo, so that will be no problem.
Thank you very much
Here is a quick example of the output from that using your image:
Thank you so much!
That is extremely cool! So there is some use for Photoshop filters, beyond highpass, sharpen and blur! Good thinking and it makes sense and it'S probably even cleaner than a bake.