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First character WIP

polycounter lvl 7
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Nakedwooki polycounter lvl 7
I am a student studying animation is South Africa. I am currently working on texturing my first 3d character. Been working in Maya and dabbling a bit with Mudbox and Zbrush. The character is a space miner. My initial concept art for the character:

Here is a screen grab of the wireframe, it had to be all quads:

Some things have changed since the initial concept when it came to modelling and texturing. Here are some screen grabs of my textures so far, from maya's default viewport:





The character is still in its infancy, so textures are not finalised yet and the character still needs to rigged and it is going to be animated. Any critiques, tips or bit of advice would be greatly appreciated.


  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    The main thing wrong for me is the hips, you tried to have a baggy feeling for the whole thing
    which is depicted nice in the concept but on the model it makes him look feminine
    especially around the waist-hips area.
    The textures are pretty messy for the brown cloth part and you have strong folds
    only in diffuse which looks pretty weird since the rest of the character seems
    to make good use of geometry.
    Your concept is pretty cool just work on getting that dynamic cartoony feeling down :D
  • Nakedwooki
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    Nakedwooki polycounter lvl 7
    Thanks man, I didn't pick up on that, will definitely rework on the geometry in that region.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    Did you sculpt a hires for this? The folds look very odd to me. Even if you are just painting them, I would do another pass to get them more natural. Also that armor piece on his chest reads like its made of cardboard type material. What is the red botchy stuff across the front? I think you need to do more work on the texture overall cuz the material reads aren't good right now.
  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I think they other guys are on point. His face looks very Simian as well, not sure if that is intended.
  • Nakedwooki
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    Nakedwooki polycounter lvl 7
    I did a hires sculpt, but i am contemplating redoing the sculpt and adding a lot more detail into it, i am working on trying to make the pieces look more metallic, i have changed the materials from lamberts to the mental ray materials and am getting far better results and more materials. The red on the front is meant to read as a painted on decal, want to add more extra's on the front to try bring that texture across, thanks for the crit.
  • Nakedwooki
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    Nakedwooki polycounter lvl 7
    On the face, i am repainting that, as the colours are not coming through as intended
    , and want to work on some sss. Just need to read up some more on that
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