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Path of Exile FX dump

Hey Guys

Im new here to Polycount. Not sure how to do these kind of posts but here we go!

My Names Russell

Iv been working as an effects artist at Grinding Gear Games on the game Path of Exile for the last 4 years. Heres a random chunk of effects iv made over that time. All these effects were made with Grinding Gear Games asset viewer and Maya. Our engine has been missing some pretty major features over the last few years but iv gotten by. Anyway heres a video compilation of some of the stuff iv made.


The videos a bit all over the place. We don't have any recording tools so this was all just screen capped with fraps then smashed together in so random video software I didnt really understand how to use heh. I may try make a higher quality video if enough people are interested. Could probably make it a lot longer. I have quite a bit of stuff to show. Maybe add some beats. People seem to like beats.

Anyways hoping I cant meet some artists from around the world on here.

Oh right im also trying to get started on FX for dota 2 items. If anyone knows the set up for that kind of thing then id really like to talk to you!



Incase you havnt seen what Path of Exile is heres our latest trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6dxx8NNxROE

Cheers for looking :)

I wish I could put this thread in showcases but apparently im not allowed to.


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