I know everyone likes to look at pretty pictures, but I think it'd be just as good for the community to recognize people who make great posts that help others learn/improve their craft.
Also a place to email or send suggested posts and threads is always nice.
Either is fine I think.
But I'd really love breakdown stuff as well.
I needs my RSS.
name suggestions - "The Helpful Polycounters" or "Polycounters to the Rescue!"
Dunno if they are good names but they are half-serious suggestions
go on....
Go Go Power Polycounters!
Definitely part of what I had in mind.
I've added a bunch of you as editors on the wiki. But still only a couple people actually add anything, and sporadically at that. http://wiki.polycount.net/RecentChanges?max_days=90
Just the way it is I guess? Is there something that would make it easier for people to add stuff there? Maybe the wiki is not the best place to do something like the OP. However I think crowd sourcing is a good thing in general.
I would totally be up for something like this, wherever it's best to be located.
EDIT: I don't think it had GUI mode back then, or maybe I didn't see it. it was a year or two ago...
But yeah, a "tips recap" in the News section would be nice, once in a while.
In my opinion - great breakdown posts don't come around as often as great art posts. Having a unique broadcast for breakdown posts would call attention to them better.
That's a lot harder than just busting through the WAYWO thread.
Also the kinds of gold that you're asking for don't drop on a regular basis.
Yeah, I don't want one person searching for great posts, so we'd either need a way to mark/tag/report great posts that doesn't require much extra work for mods or for people finding these posts.
If there was a button or link on the forums to suggest post to recap it'd be awesome, like the report button, but for good things?
Tldr: Theres always hope!
In the last polycount upgrade thread this was discussed and i think something is gonna happen. May just be the tagging system they're planning on using, an then just add another to mark gold or something.
A idea to save on admin work would be;
"Featured post" tag on a post marks it as awesomesauce and at the end of the day/week/month recap is posted. The featured posts are listed in a single recap post by a simple script that pulls the post by it's ID. /The need to be able to parse the posts from there ID's and apply a preview function can be looked at in any wordpress system. That recap has all previews of the posts and the standard "read more" link under each one. After it is posted all current marked posts are changed to a "archive featured" tag so the system won't duplicate any old posts.
Repeat and rinse.
Obviously doing this will the current framework a bit limited, ( as mentioned in pc update threads ) but always a possibility for the future. You can also diversify it with different recaps by the use of different tags. 3D recap, 2D recap, Tech recap, Competition recap etc and all automated within reason.
Give users with more than x posts and x years the ability to mark posts as useful or something along the lines and you have a wider spread of help.
Been playing with something like this for a client, just expanded it a little ;')
What do you mean? There's already RSS feeds
yeah, for the current recaps there are. I just want to make sure whatever system is decided on for the technical recaps also has RSS.
RSS is practically the way I read polycount currently.
Still though, I think the upvoting idea sounds awesome. Someday we'll see a major site upgrade... someday...
This is a great idea, plz make it happen polycount admins