Hi Guys,
With the intention in increase my level in Character Design for games and get a job in the area! I thinked "hey, will be awesome to play a steampunk fighting game". Made some sketchs and rendered this characters, there is more but still not rendered, maybe I will post later. I can even imagine a scene on a train station, people around. Well still thinking about the characters background story.

C&C are welcome!
Gustavo S. Torqueto
As for crits, I'll say the first character (the mechanic girl) has a disproportion between the 2 forearms and hands. The arm on the left of the image is way longer than the other. Also the hand is bigger than the other.
Also, around the legs, I've got some doubts about the thighs. The one on the right side of the image seems a little too big
Cool work, would love to see more!
@Alchimi: yes I agreed, she need more attention on the anatomical part. I will fix and post it later! Thank you so much!
@Dado Almeida: Aeee, mais um mineiro pra me ajudar! (Yeah, one more brazilian to help me!) I made sketchs of possible characters, a few more studies in the characters that I liked most. I will post this studies here, very good suggestion Thank you!
@Fenyce: thank you
One of the files with some concepts was corrupeted, but this is the steps that I made for the concept:
@Alchimi: Still fixing the anatomy on that image. =/
Take a little longer that I expected, was a hard month but here it is:
There is a few more studies! I will update this post later!
have been busy but I still doing those characters, one day I will be able to play this game! A man can dream right?
The influences that I´ve for this character is from Russian Military Uniform.
This one was influence from chinese cloth, that behaves like a living thing, something like this:
It changes at her wish!
That is all folks!