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Pacific Rim - Crimson Typhhon ( Jaegirl Version) WIP

polycounter lvl 12
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TAN polycounter lvl 12
Hello mates. I have been working on the last piece of my portfolio. It is Crimson Typhoon of movie the Pacific Rim. A skilled artist drew her as a " Jaegirl" I liked it so much that I decided to finish my portfolio with her.

That is her:


Most of her body isn't visible so I decided to use the real mech's parts and "feminise" them tocomplete her. Here is the references:


And then I decided to use some other similiar cyborgs for "salvaging" parts where needed ( like joints and eyes). Here is the salvage sheet:


Here are some WIP's. All kind of C&C is welcomed.












Oh by the way if you want to take a look at other Jaegirls to model here is the Allstars :D



  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    You should really do an anatomy sculpt first. I can already see issues and you are missing alot of the curves and nuances of the female figure that would really sell this character. I think what makes the concept appealing is the female form is very apparent...much more so than the mech detals. You have chosen to focus on mech details first which is a mistake IMO. You should start over and do the full female sculpt first, including the facial anatomy.
  • Ahoburg
    Agreed with slosh. If the model resembles a human in its silhouette and form, sculpt a full body first, then replace parts with something else. The sculpt doesn't need to be detailed, just right. Always think about big stuff first, then think about small one. With right silhouette and anatomy base, your stuff will look much better and realistic.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks for the advice mates.

    slosh can you be a little more specific about the "issues" . Normally I also thought the exact same thing and tried to protect the female figure by using a female mesh and Extracting parts from it in ZBRush. I guess I fail to see them probably because I have been looking at it for so long.

  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    Keep in mind that my anatomy is terrible, but from looking at the concept, I'd say the breasts need to be higher (they look more like a mech piece than actual fat - or maybe that's just the anime style), the curve on her midrift needs to be a lot more curvey and the legs could use some more mass to look more shapely.

    Take it with a pinch of salt though, this might be all wrong. slosh probably has some better feedback on it.
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    sloth I'll be working with this. You think that is correct ? Did I get what you mentioned ?


    Well I made the changes. So how are we lookin' ? :D



    Also one extra question.

    A friend just told me that breasts should be looking different due to " anime conventions" Not like "teardrop" but much straight. What are your take on this ?

  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    So I finished her "sash" ( I guess that is the right term ? ) Tomorrow I need to finish her face and hair, so that the other da I can begin detailing and then polypainting :D


  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    Hello everyone. Today I managed to get to hair. That is my take on her hair. She will be rendered within a game engine an the hair is going to have real-time physics so I thought that would give an optimal solution.

    As always all kind of C&C is welcomed. I may not make it to do every single one of them but still they are very precious.






  • Dimfist
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    Dimfist polycounter lvl 8
    I don't think you are catching any of the nice feminine beauty that the concept has. She may be a cyborg but she has some nice curves. Your model feels flat to me. I think it would of been a good idea to make her anatomically sound then cut away at it to make the robot bits.
    This is no easy concept either so I applaud you for doing it.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    ^^^ This. as hard as this is going to be to hear, if you really want to do this character justice, you need to scrap what you have and start fresh. Just do an anatomy sculpt. Get all the nuances of the female form in...I'm not just talking about the hips, thighs, and chest. The female form has a lot of subtle detail that makes it so beautiful. Once you have nailed that, start cutting into or retopologizing to create the pieces in the concept. One specific example of what really looks wrong right now are the hands...they are completely flat and have no form at all. had you sculpted and shaped them to be realistic first, they would look much better. Again, I know this is harsh and you've done a lot of work already but you will not regret it in the end and your character will look infinitely better. What you will end up with if you continue with what you have right now is undoubtedly going to be mediocre because the foundation is flawed.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Yeah its no easy way of saying this but slosh is right. Scrap what you have done now and start anew. But first aim at creating a base female mesh then start tweaking the anime proportions. Looking at your latest update you're missing that hourglass shape to the torso and nice angle of the shoulders to name a few spots.

    Once you have the base nailed down start cutting the mesh up into piece.

    At this point you can bring in some of your old assets such as the mechanical joint, sash, etc. I know it sounds daunting but believe me it's for the best if you want to do your portfolio justice as this will be a fanatastic piece. You have the skill its just you rushed ahead alittle.

    It's a bit of back peddling I know but you can do it!
  • TAN
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    TAN polycounter lvl 12
    OK. Project cancelled then. Thanks shosh, Dimfist, Di$array, Xaragoth, Ahoburg. Your critics are appreciated, I want you to know that.
    I'll start anew when... I have the determination let's just say. Thanks everyone.
  • Spoon
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    Spoon polycounter lvl 11
    Why should he scrap it???
    Just get in the with the move brush. It will be fixed in half an hour.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    I didnt want to say this in the hangout lad but you are on the right track ( altho, I didnt expect you to do what you did with the hair part when I told you that you can just sculpt it. But it is still too early to tell.)

    Since you are still learning. Dont scrap it. You will end up in that loop of hell where you make something, someone critiques, you go back to the drawing board and remake the same piece instead of editing the current one.

    Rule of the learning process. If someone critiques it, take it under advisement, and ask others. Work on your piece until you get it, before you start it again. And; When you start again, keep the old piece to compare it with the new one you make.

    Dont scrap it off.

    Thank god he didnt ask you to jump off the cliff. lol Even I cant counter his experience of arts but he probably doesnt know where you are coming from.

    I would advise you to continue working on this piece and keep on asking for critiques.

    EDIT: By he; I mean THEY. Really guys? :poly127:


    I am still learning so dont take my work for it but here are few things that I have noticed.

    -If you scale the head a little bigger it would make a whole lot sense.

    -Before adding mesh in to hair, take a sphere, sculpt it according to the reference you are using. (not symmetrical sculpting but asymmetrical sculpting.) Use the IMM brush where its needed.

    -For the eyes, since you were having difficulties with it, you dont exactly have to stick to the mesh you have currently because it isnt going to be refined, if you have seen others making the models they usually Dyna mesh to figure out, the refinement part comes later since its about the only organic part, you can dynamesh the head, and work on the part of the eyes as you were trying to, dont mask em, just push them in, take a sphere, align where the eyes are suppose to be, mirror, and sculpt the eye around it.

    I hope this helps.
  • Xaragoth
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    Xaragoth polycounter lvl 8
    Personally I agree with Nite. Scrapping it would probably be a mistake. Will it be as good as it actually needs to be to do it justice? Probably not. But it will still be good practice to finish it and you can keep it for when you re-do it. And then you can go and see how much you've improved.

    I'm personally in a similar position with my female mesh right now. After watching Almighty_gir do his thing on stream, I realized how fucked up my anatomy and workflow for it were. I'll still try to get it into proper porpotions and make it presentable by just hiding it in a lot of armor (I call it the Dark Souls method).

    After that I'll actually start digging through anatomy books and video courses, while focusing mostly on my environment art (gotta learn to make better bakeable edges), since that is primarily why I started modeling. Though it's probably not as relevant if you want to do Character Art.

    - your sideview is very flat and has weird curves right now. especially the upper leg going into the knee area.
    - since it's anime style I suggest to check out http://www.hazardousarts.com/Miku_Tutorial.pdf
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