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Sheriff Office [Red Dead]


was hoping to gets some crits on this Sheriff office i've done from Red dead in UDK.

The sheriff office itself still needs a specular and normal map which i will probably do tomorrow. i'm also planning to add a load of foliage at some point, im probably also going to add in a few more props, i'm thinking some fences along the side of the path leading round behind the office, and maybe some wooden cart wheels propped up against the wall. maybe some rope hanging off the hitch too.




  • Danielj_B
  • Fenn
    Offline / Send Message
    Fenn polycounter lvl 3
    I am not experienced with environments, so my critique would not be what you need.
    However, I would suggest instead of being sad that no one posted about your work that you post some of the things you said you would such as : specs and normals, foliage, props, the path, anything you mentioned or something else. Post wire frames, specific questions.

    I can tell that your art is not bad, but there are many threads that get a single post, zero replies and just die out. Either the work must be terribly good or terribly bad to generate a lot of posts without having to bump it with interest and progress on your own.
  • Danielj_B
    i wasn't that bothered lol i just wanted to bump it as i've not had much time to work on it since i posted, though i am planning on adding some other stuff tomorrow and i didn't want to start a new thread
  • GrungyStudios
    Offline / Send Message
    GrungyStudios polycounter lvl 8
    As far as the modeling it seems solid, but for textures i cant give you a critique without a normal or spec map because everything just looks flat diffuse and you cant differentiate materials
  • DeviatePanda
    Offline / Send Message
    DeviatePanda polycounter lvl 5
    If you could give us some more screenshots of the building itself we could offer more, but it is hard to judge it off of this one image.
  • Danielj_B
    Added a few of the things i mentioned, i also updated the normal and specular map for the office but doesn't seem to of made much difference, i'm thinking because the sun is hitting it from behind its not really highlighting them. will probably keep adding some more grass and cactus to the right hand side of the office as its still looking a bit bare in the distance behind. will also probably make some changes to the ground texture

  • Danielj_B
    and panda i will get some more shots of the building
  • Danielj_B
  • Danielj_B
  • lewist
    You've got a solid start right now and clearly have an eye for what you need to work on.

    Here's some of my suggestions.
    • I would make that telegraph pole a lot thinner. It looks a little cartoonish to have it with such exaggerated proportions.
    • Consider adding more tessellation to your terrain. It will allow you to get much smoother height blends and give you more points to paint terrain materials on.
    • Add some ground clutter to the foreground. Grass, rocks, tumbleweeds, and bottles would be good candidates.
    • Your normal map green channel needs to be inverted to work properly in UDK. This is the big reason your normals aren't showing much. You can easily fix this by opening the normal map in photoshop, selecting the green channel, inverting it, saving it, and reimporting it back into UDK.
    • Experiment with your lighting. Try rotating your dominant directional light. While it's very dramatic right now, I can't help but feel that you're losing a lot of your main focal point in shadow.
    • Your materials need more definition. As GrungyStudios mentioned, it's hard to tell what material is wood vs. stucco. Specular value is going to be key in helping you address that.
    Keep at it! :)
  • Danielj_B
    thanks for the excellent feedback :), i will definitely look at these points, I've just tried rotating the light and bringing it to the front but it takes a lot of interest away from the scene =/, thinking i will turn down the lighting and turn on the lantern and light the windows up to add more focus to the building
  • Danielj_B
    zSDCE6k.jpggoing to have to leave it here for now, handing it in in a week and i have boring written work to do D: thanks for teh feedback
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