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How to model cars without blueprints, but with images?

Hi, I'm new here, and am not sure if this is the correct sub-thread to post this in. Basically can anyone give me tips, or link me to a useful tut or thread that can help guide on how to model cars with reference images rather than exact blueprints?
For example, I am looking to start modeling the Toyota FT-1, but there are no blueprints available, but references as such.





  • Eric Chadwick
    Blueprints, although maybe not accurate.

    However if stuck with photos only, try to find shots taken with a zoom lens. Then there's less perspective distortion.

    Sometimes though you just have to use your imagination, model as close as you can, then examine from many angles and adjust constantly. Get as much reference as possible, and constantly check your work against it. Artists making 3d heads of famous people have the same challenge.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    perna wrote: »
    Even "blueprints" of cars often contain a lot of errors, so in the end you'll have to use your artistic eye to judge the result anyway. So those photos you have are perfectly fine to model from (just get lots more photos, to double check everything).

    Just make sure you block out the proportions before you add detail and you will be fine.
    solid advice right there.

    you will need to develop your artistic eye for proportion, form and scale sooner or later, I used to like blueprints in the early day, and sure they can be useful, but its got to pass the eye test regardless of how well you followed the blueprint.

    its no real magic its just all breaking it down into a mental sort of blueprint and thinking in 3D forms.
  • Xoliul
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    Xoliul polycounter lvl 16
    It just comes down to working progressively (blockout > refine). and having a good eye for proportions and details. Especially that last thing is something that can become painfully obvious on cars; proportions are a lot more important than with the average prop.
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