I don't have UE4, but it would prabably work in the same way as it worked in UDK. There you are animating them with kismet/matinee and you don't really need premade animations or rig if it isn't a complex opening like a mechanical door's opening where many parts would move differently. I think you can make it with blueprint/matinee in UE4. And you simply add the lod/collision to your gate, and matinee would automatically animate those too when you are animating your main gate mesh. Look for matinee/blueprint tutorials.
ignore the stuff going off to the top and naming of things.
best way i've found to make things move repeatedly the same way with blueprint is to lerp between things based on a timeline. if things are unclear i can clarify, but maybe this will already do. the value driving the rotation is in the 0-1 range, not in actual degrees.
ignore the stuff going off to the top and naming of things.
best way i've found to make things move repeatedly the same way with blueprint is to lerp between things based on a timeline. if things are unclear i can clarify, but maybe this will already do. the value driving the rotation is in the 0-1 range, not in actual degrees.