Hey all,
Finally finished the complete toolset! I have put it up on Gumroad so I can push out updates through their platform, which is neat. You can view the tool on gumroad
An aid for artists in 3dsMax by allowing the user to utilize the following functions:
UE4 Scene Setup:
Set's 3dsMax System scale, units as well as default grid spacing to match UE4.
Grid Spacing:
Toggles grid sizes matching those in UE4.
Reference Spawn:
Creates a reference box to the height of a player based on Shooter Game in UE4 (6'8").
UE4 Collision:
Renames meshes to the proper namespace for collision in and sets up proper parenting.
Exports single meshes, or batches entire scenes to individual *.FBX using a simple export system.
I had to export a bunch of stuff for Unreal 4 yesterday and quickly wrote :
I think it then just used the last FBX export settings when doing this...
I posted something similar recently at the UE4 forums, take a look, I hope you find it useful.
You can download it from here:
However I would recommend a slight change to your FBX export script!
At the moment your script will delete any Turn_to_Poly modifier on top of the stack after running, not just the one which was added if they wanted to triangulate.
I suggest you use a local variable to store the result of the querybox choice.
Then, after the export, check if this was true or false and only delete that top modifier if it was true.
Otherwise you risk damaging a modifier stack that might have a valid Turn_to_Poly modifier in it that was doing something else outside of your script!
Another option that might be easier (especially if you go on to perform other operations on the mesh before export) is just to copy the object into a temporary local variable, do all the modifications on the copy and export the copy. Then once the export is done you can just delete the copy and the original object will be unmodified (with no need to mess around with its own modifier stack).
@Wesley - From my understanding, instead of just hard coding in the ".fbx" the export class finds the specific export plugin, which then would allow me to have access to its settings if I wanted to make its changes on export. I think either way it works the same for this case.
MoP- I had never thought about that at all. I will look into altering the script later today to fix that issue, Thanks!
FBX Export:
-Fixed issue where it could possibly damage a modifier stack outside of the script. (did multiple tests, have not run into issues yet)
UE4 Collision:
-Fixed runtime issue when there were no objects selected. (seems to work as intended now)
Ah... neat!
This isn't really necessary, strictly speaking:
Those could all be named UCX_BoxTest and it would work just fine. The sequential numbering postfix thing is, I think, a holdover from earlier UE versions.
Hm. I did not know that. I had assumed that the suffix was carried over. :X
The documentation has it showing separate numerical values, would it just be safe to keep it as is then?
- Updated UE4 Collision with option to include/exclude Suffix (either way works)
If anyone has any other script ideas, let me know.
i cant really thank you enough for these great scripts. they are very helpful to me. I really appreciate your work man.
I dont know if this is possible with the current FBX exporter, but sometimes you want to select all your meshes and export them all individually with on click. That would be really great.
I plan on adding a lot more to the FBX exporter. Right now I wanted to just get the basic working.
I will slowly be working on it. I'm teaching myself MEL as I go, so it may take a tad longer.
i must say you did an excellent job coming up with these scripts! The tools themselves are awesome and immensely useful for automating certain processes. I've installed each of them in Max 2014 and they work fine. I did run into some trouble with the collision plugin though. I'll try to recreate the error and post some screenshots of the error message later today so that you can diagnose. It's probably nothing you did just me messing stuff up
-Removed FBX for simple box and created a Reference box via MaxScript.
!Still have a bug with FBX export not being able to export grouped objects (hopefully will have a solution soon).
I will definitely look into doing that. I'm going to be revisiting the FBX exporter portion of the script soon. =]
+ Added credits link
- redraws viewport when objects are referenced in and grid is changed (don't have to click within anymore).
I'm still plugging away on the FBX fixes/features. I won't drop it until its finished and working.
One thing, whenever you export something as an obj (for baking or whatever), and then come back to the tool to export a mesh, it doesn't export because the exporter is still set to Obj. It'd be good if it forces to export as Obj regardless, to fix it at the moment you have to manually export an FBX then the exporter starts working again.
I released the initial tools for Maya users here. [Finally]
The FBX export is still being worked on, but the rest works as expected.
Now you can have all the fun without the fuss of my broken code!
-Fixed FBX exporter not exporting when previous max export was a different filetype other than .FBX
-Brought back triangulation on export
-Brought back move to origin on export
If there are any other features you would like to see, let me know.
+Added functionality to export multiple objects into a SINGLE file. No longer do you have to export one object at a time. (This is nice so that you no longer have to manually export Mesh with collision, can all be done with the tool).
I will be working on A batch exporter in time, for now the update should come in handy.
Just want to say thanks for fixing that isssue! Gonna be downloading and using this tonight Thanks dude!
Been using this and it is great! Thank you so much for making it available.
Couple issues I have happening, is that the pivot point rotates 90 degrees when imported into UE4. So a wall that is upright in max, is flat on the ground in UE4.
If an asset's pivot is above 0 on grid, it screws up the pivot when imported [makes the asset float when it should be flat on ground]
and the last thing is, if you are exporting an asset, asn saving over one you previously exported, it adds another .fbx and makes it a different file, like so :
The exporter does not automatically bring the pivot to origin. I can add that functionality later on if needed. I would say a good rule of thumb is to manually place at origin and check if your pivot is in its correct spot.
File exporting: I will address this. I will update this as soon as I can get to it.
Downloaded the latest version and I think it's lost some handy functionality. It no longer seems to move objects to the origin which was a really useful feature! Also, when you go to overwrite an existing FBX file, it names the exported FBX something like 'mesh_name.fbx.FBX'.
Just a couple of things I've noticed!
Edit - Oh.. I just noticed Cody mentioned the exact same things