I'm a high poly guy for the most part and not used to getting my objects into an external 3d engine. I have licenses to Zbrush and shadermap 2(its like crazybump only cheaper).
Is there a way within the engine to make curved walls? If not whats the quickest way to do it? I'm not trying to spend a ton of time of them and I'm just wanting blank walls that would work the way a basic box does in ue4 for material orientation.
I'm willing to take a ton of time for characters, props etc, but there has to be an easy way to get a basic wall into the engine. I suppose I'm willing to spend a little extra money if need be.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
after I made this post I did end up figuring that part out. One major problem is that once you do that you can't move or replicate that shape, it retains its original, is there a way around that?
Go into wireframe and you can grab the builder and subtraction brushes to move them around.
just face palmed, can't believe I didn't think of moving the two objects together, thank you very much, appreciate the help.