I am following video tutorial on exporting animated mesh from max, but I appear to have a problem that isn't present in the video. Namely i have undefined variable in loop. Since I am new to maxscript I don't know how to fix this without possibly breaking stuff further.
jump to 4:48 for the problem I am having
at the start of the loop max gives l is undefined, which is reasonable, but it isn't present in the video anywhere, and the thing works.

"i" shoudnt be undefined as i == a number ranging from 1 to obj ( which you should have declared above) number of verts
do you declare obj when running the function?
ig: fn exportmesh $box001 ($box001 = obj) and so on...
what I meant was that lowercase "L" in "for i in l to obj.NumVerts do" appears to be undeclared.
the output i get is this
it's suppose to be be for i in 1 to... 1 = one(the number) NOT the letter L
so change it in the loop and change this to