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Hi, I am Chip, the owner of cghubs.com.

The new site took off during the last two weeks and it gathered lots of submissions. While doing several rookie mistakes in the beginning, I feel that the site is stable now and I can dedicate my time to work on additional features and user requests.

Please, do consider it when submitting a design to any of the other art sites out there. Each submission motivates me to work on it even more.

With a baby on the way, I'm trying to focus on what's relevant for the site and work only on those features.

Any help is appreciated. Any submission is appreciated.



  • Jeremy Mitchell
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    Jeremy Mitchell polycounter lvl 6
    I wonder how you came up with the name. It's very unique and original.
  • slosh
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    slosh hero character
    I commend you for the work you put into this but it's gonna be tough with artstation already expanding really fast and the original cghub creators working on their own site. Good luck though!
  • Isaiah Sherman
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    Isaiah Sherman polycounter lvl 14
    90% of what's on the screen when you first load the page is nonsense.

    Only the bottom 10% matters and I have to scroll to see more.
  • unit187
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    unit187 polycounter lvl 9
    90% of what's on the screen when you first load the page is nonsense.

    Only the bottom 10% matters and I have to scroll to see more.
    That includes when you open images to view, have to scroll down every single time.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    Looks and handles terrible, everyones moved onto art station i'm afraid, seems like a waste of time in all honesty.

    the need in the market has been filled.
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    Going to have to agree with the above sentiment. Trying to directly mimic CG Hub in name and icon wont really go far. It wasnt as shallow as the name or the look, its also about whose behind it and where the flow is going. As others have said, Artstation has popped up and if I am not mistaken its by the same folk that tossed up CG-Society. Additionally the original CGHub developers are creating a new site as well.

    I wouldnt try to compete head on with them, but find some other niche and be unique about it.

  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    What is the CGHub maker gonna name the new thing they're making ?
  • Carlosan
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    Carlosan polycounter lvl 12
    this ?
    Stinger88 wrote: »

    "From the developers of cghub.com a new, improved website for CG industry professionals is in the works."

  • Ciprian
    Thank you for your replies.

    The main reason I chose the cghubs.com domain name was to keep the same idea as cghub.com. It's easier like this.

    I know the site is still young, I know the submissions are not yet up to par with the old cghub.com site or the newer ones, such as Art Station. The market is not saturated, and there's always a place for a better alternative. I keep working on the site every day and add more and more features.

    I know about all the other projects, the Kickstarter one, the (maybe) new CG HUB one and the other sites, such as DrawCrowd, CG Society and more.

    We are a small team of CG enthusiasts and we will keep building the site, improve it and promote it to artists.

    Thank you,
  • peanut™
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    peanut™ polycounter lvl 19
    90% of what's on the screen when you first load the page is nonsense.

    Only the bottom 10% matters and I have to scroll to see more.

    C'mon, give this gentleman a break, i found this website a nice effort in itself, a compliment instead is due here. I remember the humble start of cgtalk, they had their server in a garage.
  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    peanut™ wrote: »
    C'mon, give this gentleman a break, i found this website a nice effort in itself, a compliment instead is due here. I remember the humble start of cgtalk, they had their server in a garage.

    Still I think the criticism is entirely valid, if he took it and moved onto something less generic and more unique, say taking the concept of CG hub and making it animation hub with animated tiled gifs a place for 3D and 2d animators getting the right people on board he would be catering to a non existent market, then he would have my full support.
  • Clark Coots
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    Clark Coots polycounter lvl 13
    i agree the criticism has been a bit harsh.

    Sure catering to a non existent market is a good idea in any business sense as long as there is demand. But that doesnt mean you have to do that, or there is even desire to do that.

    Theres a ton of competition in this industry, but you wouldn't go around telling a newer environment artist the market has been filled and you should switch to animation. Instead you'd offer advice on how to make his/her environments better. Same case here in my opinion.
  • Dataday
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    Dataday polycounter lvl 8
    coots7 wrote: »
    Instead you'd offer advice on how to make his/her environments better. Same case here in my opinion.

    You might have a point if this wasnt trying to rip off/mimic CGhub in more than just functionality. Name + gear based icon... Part of the criticism is to be something a bit more unique in not just market, but also branding. Theres nothing wrong with trying, but if so it shouldnt be a direct attempt at copying another brand.
  • Ciprian
    I'm not trying to rip off anything, it's just the fact that it's easier to approach the artists if the domain name and the general website functionality has a similar look and feel.

    I will be adding faceted search this week, support forums and improve the frontpage.

    Thank you for your replies, comments and critique. Every little helps.
  • Ciprian
    It is now live!

    Our new CG Hubs has slowly evolved into an indie community of CG artists, designers and painters. We need your help to promote and share this Indiegogo campaign - https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/cg-hubs/x/8150997. A very detailed description and project story can be found here - http://cghubs.com/about/.

    We need more people to get involved, support our campaign, share this event and help us acquire the funds we need to keep it working. We want to ask you to publish a press release, write a blog post, share on social networks or just tell your friends about our initiative.

    We also want to ask you to create a free account and upload your art. Every upload counts.

    Looking forward to your answer,
  • almighty_gir
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    almighty_gir ngon master
    Ciprian wrote: »
    I'm not trying to rip off anything, it's just the fact that it's easier to approach the artists if the domain name and the general website functionality has a similar look and feel.

    "I'm not trying to rip anything off, it's just the fact it's easier to approach people with my new drink "Brocacola" if it tastes and fizzes similar the already established brand".

    sorry, couldn't resist poking a hole in that one. but good luck!
  • Ciprian
    sorry, couldn't resist poking a hole in that one. but good luck!

    Fair enough, but all jokes aside, take a more serious look at this project.
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Check out my new Dev studio 'Krytech', we got crazy skillz!

    EDIT: In fairness I like the site layout, I think with the closing of CG Hub though you have to expect a little bit of stick for the name :D Could be tricky to compete with Artstation as well as a lot of users migrated there. Still, good luck with the site!
  • Ciprian
    Torch wrote: »
    Check out my new Dev studio 'Krytech', we got crazy skillz!

    EDIT: In fairness I like the site layout, I think with the closing of CG Hub though you have to expect a little bit of stick for the name :D Could be tricky to compete with Artstation as well as a lot of users migrated there. Still, good luck with the site!

    Thank you for your edit @Torch, I expect a lot of mixed reactions, just like 3 months ago, when I first announced it. I'll continue working on the site, regardless of negative comments. I have some powerful competitors, I know, but we're slowly getting there.
  • Pradip
    Hopping for more better site
  • DireWolf
    I think you need to minimize the top portion of your site. Look at Davient Art for example, your top is really distracting from the art. Especially the home page.

    I'm not too sure about your naming choice either. CG Hub was terminated leaving the community in disappointment yet your name is so similar it brings back bad memories.
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    A lot of good feedback in here for you Ciprian. Ignore the jokes and negative attitude, absorb the constructive feedback and improve. I for one welcome more venues to pimp my art, and with a few tweaks, CGHubs could be another good addition.
  • Ciprian
    @DireWolf, I know, the top side is now dedicated to our Indiegogo campaign. The banner will be gone, and we will focus on showcasing the featured art. The naming choice was, indeed, risky, but it is what it is now, it cannot be changed.

    @JohnnyRaptor, thank you for your kind words, we're working on the site day and night, fixing bugs, improving features, testing, adding tiny features and more. We won't stop during the campaign and we won't stop after, either.
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