Hey guys, just getting into the more in depth features of the material editor within UE4. I'm wanting to tackle the usage of the metallic features to really get some convincing metal visuals down. I've got some really great examples to look at in current UE4 level example content, but I'm sorta baffled on the ins and outs of actually creating the mask. I've only used the basic norm/spec maps for props in the past so this is all new to me.
While I think I understand the usage pretty well, I just don't know how to manage setting that up in Photoshop. I'm sure there are some good and bad ways of doing it but I haven't had much luck as I'm almost as fresh to Ps as I am UE4 (used gimp for ages). Any good tips or articles you guys might know that can point me in the right direction?
Since my baking was just AO and Norm I'd only used the stock baking systems in XSI. Not a lot of documentation in the older application anymore but I'm getting to think this is a bit more straight forward than I was thinking before. For some reason I was really over complicating this in my head.