Here's the deal. all i want to do is put a displacement map on a plane.
Here's the problem.
The UV's on said plane REFUSE to properly settle in 0-1 space.
I have tried zbrush's normal UV mapping, UV master, and even just importing geo from Max with UV's already EXACTLY where i want them.

Every time Zbrush chews up the UV's somehow and gives me this weird offset that I can't seem to get rid of no matter what I do.
This has happened to me before and I try and retry it for hours before it finally stops being retarded. I can find no logical explanation for it and no real fix other than just "do it 2100 times".
It's happening to a co-worker right now and I can't help him

I would think that somebody has encountered this before, but google yields no results on this issue that I can find.
Here's the issue: ZBrush HATES when UVs touch the 0-1 boundaries (that is, any UV point lined up exactly to 0 or 1 U/V, which is what happens with planes when you do Uvp). Anything baked to to a UV map with UVs touching the boundaries will result in a bad bake.
However, if you already have your displacement map, you should still be able to preview it and apply it to your plane since you aren't baking any textures.
If your texture is seamless, you will need to adjust your ZBrush doc size to 1024 or another desired map size, zoom your document so the entire canvas is in view, then frame your plane and use GrabDoc or the MRGBZGrabber tool. (Note that GrabDoc will result in 2 black rows of pixels at the top and 1 row of black pixels at the bottom of your exported file, while the ZGrabber brush will result in your image dimensions not being exactly square. Why they haven't fixed this yet is beyond me
If your texture is not seamless, I would recommend scaling your UVs down to .999U .999V and the problem will go away.
Why Zbrush's UVP create UV's that Zbrush beyond me >_o