Hey everyone!
Here are some props/environments I made for the upcoming spacesim game "Cosmonautica" developed by "Chasing Carrots"
a small indie game company based in Stuttgart/Germany.
My work includes design/hardsurface modeling/unwrapping/texturing and lighting. All modeling/lighting was done in 3dsmax and Vray.
If you want more information about the game you can visit our STEAM Greenlight page.
Cosmonautica - Steam Greenlight
Hope you like it!
Especially the merchant environment. Although it's futuristic, I could hear the Zelda shop song when i looked at it
Awesome work.
Yes, we tried to keep the design as non-futuristic as possible. The rooms inside your spaceship (torpedoroom,kitchen) would also 'fit' into a submarine.
This style is great, I love it. More!
Here's a 'quick and dirty' kitchen breakdown with a fancy blue glow header!
If you have any specific questions about the workflow, please feel free to ask!
Modeling/Unwrapping/Lighting: 3dsmax2012/Vray 1.5
Used Textures: Diffuse 512x512 / Lightmap 256x256.
Trianglecount: ~2900
Thank you! I've tried to keep the trianglecount as low as possible.The maximum trianglecount of every room is 3000.
In the merchant environment, I'd have the planet move on and off screen as the station rotates.
The outside of the space station could use more flashing lights - flashing neon signs, blinking navigation lights, and landing lights similar to those of a runway.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u59bJZEitRI"]White Rabbit Runway 34 in Vienna - YouTube[/ame]
On the ships, I'd replace the single red light with traditional ship navigation lights:
The overall art style reminds me a bit of the old Sierra games, most notably the Space Quest series.
At the moment the planet is static but you will see different kinds of spaceships fly by! In fact the speed of the spacestation is not that fast so you won't see planet move!
There are some flashing lights on the spacestation. The antennas on top/bottom have orientation lights and the bluelights at the middle part of the station are also animated! The runway is a good idead! I will add some effectlights there!
Thanks, I appreciate it! Loved the old Sierra games!