Here are some screens of a current scene a friend of mine and I are working on right now. We're still adding a few more assets to pull the scene together.
The scene is dynamically lit with a directional light and a few spot/point lights to mimic some bounce lighting, (having a few issues with the cube map ATM)
Any feedback or questions would be greatly appreciated and answered to the best of my ability
Great Start! On the whole it looks nice. However couple of things:
1. More spec response from your tiles, use that roughness map and give it some nice variation. you can always use decals or vertex paitning to give it a rough feel in the edges
2. The wall texture is nice and redable (good!) bu the peeling paint texture isn't doing it for me. I would suggest removing those from the texture (of finda new one) and then modelling some peeling paint assets that you can then hand place. It will make the walls pop and increase the quality
3. Colour and Values. Colour wise it all makes sense... but i feel isn't punch enough, especially as you don't have a hero asset (which is fine, not everything does) but try and inject some colour into it. Experiment with some, looking at it maybe a red would work well but its worth testing these things out. And finally Values, take one of your screens into photoshop and desaturate 100%. You will notice that apart from the light, it is all a bit flat. This should be easily fixed with some nice post proccess bring in some contrast. After that, you can then tweek your rough/metallic maps to help bring back in spots of specular.
Nice work! I personally felt that the sunlight might be a little too harsh, especially since it seems to be a bit cloudy and dark outside. Its also kind of hard to see any light bounce because everything just seems evenly lit.
it looks good so far, but keep in mind that currently the sunlight on the ground is your main point of interest, so make sure to add detail there. And the AO is totally over the top, best seen on the pipes on top
Check the corner of your room and see how strong AO is, its very weak actually
@walklikethis Awesome thanks! In response to your thoughts,
1. Currently I'm creating a mesh to help reinforce the buildup along the edges of the tiles on towards the walls, but I will definitely help push the variation in roughness on the tiles.
2. I agree about the peeling, it looks alright from straight on but once you begin viewing it from an angle it looses the effect. Definitely going to try and add some little peeling meshes to the wall.
3. Thats a common critique we've been hearing. We're currently adding a few smaller assets with splashes of color to help pop the scene (fire alarm, recycling bin, stuff like that.) As for the values, I see what you mean and I will definitely have to tweak some lights to add some more contrast in areas.
@sidx30 Good point! I didn't really realize how dark the skybox looked at certain angles, will have to fix that. And as I stated above gonna break up the even lighting and add more contrast.
@Shrike The AO on the pipes on the top is actually a shadow from some point lights I have facing up to simulate bounce lighting, I'll have to turn down its shadows. Thanks for recognizing the inconsistency.
Hey guys got another small batch of screenshots. Been tweaking a lot of materials and added a few smaller assets to help add some color and contrast in the scene. Should have a short fly through tomorrow to show. Would love some feedback!
1. More spec response from your tiles, use that roughness map and give it some nice variation. you can always use decals or vertex paitning to give it a rough feel in the edges
2. The wall texture is nice and redable (good!) bu the peeling paint texture isn't doing it for me. I would suggest removing those from the texture (of finda new one) and then modelling some peeling paint assets that you can then hand place. It will make the walls pop and increase the quality
3. Colour and Values. Colour wise it all makes sense... but i feel isn't punch enough, especially as you don't have a hero asset (which is fine, not everything does) but try and inject some colour into it. Experiment with some, looking at it maybe a red would work well but its worth testing these things out. And finally Values, take one of your screens into photoshop and desaturate 100%. You will notice that apart from the light, it is all a bit flat. This should be easily fixed with some nice post proccess bring in some contrast. After that, you can then tweek your rough/metallic maps to help bring back in spots of specular.
As i said great start. Hope to see a sick up-date
Hope that makes sense!
Check the corner of your room and see how strong AO is, its very weak actually
1. Currently I'm creating a mesh to help reinforce the buildup along the edges of the tiles on towards the walls, but I will definitely help push the variation in roughness on the tiles.
2. I agree about the peeling, it looks alright from straight on but once you begin viewing it from an angle it looses the effect. Definitely going to try and add some little peeling meshes to the wall.
3. Thats a common critique we've been hearing. We're currently adding a few smaller assets with splashes of color to help pop the scene (fire alarm, recycling bin, stuff like that.) As for the values, I see what you mean and I will definitely have to tweak some lights to add some more contrast in areas.
@sidx30 Good point! I didn't really realize how dark the skybox looked at certain angles, will have to fix that. And as I stated above gonna break up the even lighting and add more contrast.
@Shrike The AO on the pipes on the top is actually a shadow from some point lights I have facing up to simulate bounce lighting, I'll have to turn down its shadows. Thanks for recognizing the inconsistency.
@Robeomega I added some more foliage for you