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How much time would I have ?

polycounter lvl 9
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Dawsky polycounter lvl 9
Hi there.

I´m creating a character for my studies and i was wondering how much time, on average, a freelancned 3D generalist e.g. would have in the real world, to model, texture, rig and animate a female character for a next gen PC game with the following attributes:

- Mesh: High and low poly incl. clothes (1x), build for changing clothes ingame.
- Textures: Game ready ~2048^2 (UV`s naturally)
- Rig: Full body, simple facial rig.
- Weapons: PDW, handgun, bow & arrows, swort, dagger, throwing knife, shuriken.
- Animations: Run, walk, kneel, idle as well as animations for all the weapons.

I Hope someone might have a suggestion so I could campare my time needed :)


  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Most "next gen" character artists don't rig or animate. The studio is going to have their own rigging and animation systems. Also you wouldn't outsource weapons to a character artist. So you aren't going to get a solid answer for your question.

    If you just want guesses on how long it would take to do a character with all that, 1.5-3 months. Coming up with systems for a specific game can take a lot of time, if you already have a lot of things in place, it can be done much quicker.
  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    3-4 weeks at the shops ive worked at. bout 3 weeks for the main work then add in a week to total for future tweaks/lods etc, give or take a few days.
    mine usually look like this
    1 week for the high
    1 week for the lows/uvs
    1 week for bakes/textures
    1 week for finishing textures if needed/LOD's corrections, and tweaks down the line, give or take some days. i cant really comment on animation rigging.
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    The other important factor would be : have you done that kind of work before ? If not, you can add a few extra months to the schedule, since the skills required for such a job take years to develop (including failed attempts and abandonned projects...)

    Also : is there a firm concept provided ? If not, that will mean weeks or months of painful iterations and tweaks. If the modelsheet is provided, you can just shoot straight for the approved target.

    As stated above, animations are not really relevant since no one does both modeling and animation in big studios these days. However it can be expected of you do to a simple pose + beauty shot to visually sell the asset.
  • Eric Chadwick
  • [Deleted User]
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  • Dawsky
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    Dawsky polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks for the answers.

    I know a "character artist" would`nt rig or animatate in most cases, but my question was`nt about who does what, but about how much time would someone have in the industry to finish a character like I was taking about, with everything I mentioned.
    That`s why I said: "3d generalist" :)

    But thanks anyway, I guess I have enough info to make a pretty good estimate.
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