If I have a cylindrical object can I theoretically only have 1/4 of it modeled unwrap that and mirror it twice? Giving me better resolution and a smaller map.
Theoretically, you would have to be ok with having texture details that would repeat 4 times around the object, unless you used layering of materials and vertex color masks.
This should be under technical talk not pimping and previews. To answer your question yes you would get more resolution, but you will open your self up to have seam issues. Also and a bigger reason not to is the mirroring can be very obvious when you texture. It really depends on the size of the object. If it is a big piece I would recommend halving it instead of quartering. If it is smaller go ahead and quarter it.
Is it a unique pillar or something your are going to duplicate around a lot? For most architectural stuff your are going to want to use tiling textures so the unwrapping method isn't as important. Though I wouldn't quarter it for a tilable texture unless you really need the resolution on the pillar.
I've always had a knack for low poly texturing but I want to bake down a higher poly to my low poly and its literally the same on all 4 sides so to make my normals good I figured this option would work.
Without know what you are doing with the pillar it's hard to say, but I would half it just to be safe. It's easier to control the repeated detail and it still gives you more resolution and less texture work.